Call for Papers for The Predicate Spring 2024

deadline for submissions: 
March 22, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Georgetown University (EGSA)
contact email: 

The English Graduate Student Association of Georgetown University seeks proposals on the theme of “Maladies” from various disciplines and theoretical approaches for the yearly publication of their journal, The Predicate.

Journal: The Predicate Volume VII, An Academic Journal by the English Graduate Student Association of Georgetown University

Submission Deadline: March 22th

Maladies, broadly construed as an illness or sickness, have formed the foundation of countless theoretical and philosophical conundrums. From Hippocrates to Helen Bequaert Holmes, these questions have led to solutions that have shaped the way we have come to view maladies as inherently interdisciplinary, requiring a community effort to ponder, analyze, and attempt to solve. In light of recent times, the need to continue these conversations has intensified. This journal seeks to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue between fields (but not limited to) such as literature, disability studies, philosophy, and the medical humanities within the combined thematic, theoretical and critical orientation provided by “malady.”

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
● Illnesses of the body and/or the mind
● Disability studies
● Social maladies
● Bad readings
● Environmental maladies
● Apocalypse
● Health and healing
● Rethinking the Body
● Resistance and Resilience
● Sensationalism/Sentimentality
● Spirituality

Submission Guidelines:
● Your essay must be submitted in the format of a Word Document or Googledoc. PDF’s
will not be accepted.
● Please cite your essay in accordance with MLA, Chicago, or APA formatting.
● Word count limit of 5000 words.
Please make sure your submissions meet the required formatting standards. Any entries that do not adhere to the requirements will not be considered for inclusion in The Predicate. Submissions can be sent to Caroline Hannum ( or Sarah Licht
( Additionally, please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this process. We look forward to hearing from you.