Call for Papers: ‘Queer Celebrities: Fashion, Style and Influence in Popular Culture’

deadline for submissions: 
July 1, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Fashion, Style & Popular Culture

Call for Papers: Fashion, Style & Popular Culture

Special Issue: ‘Queer Celebrities: Fashion, Style and Influence in Popular Culture’

View the full call here>>

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture invites scholars, critics and artists to submit papers for a Special Issue exploring the intersection of queerness, celebrity culture, fashion and style. How are queer celebrities influencing, shaping and transforming popular culture through their fashion and stylistic choices? We are interested in contributions that critically engage with the roles of queer celebrities in fashion as agents of change, as symbols of resistance, and as architects of a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Iconography and Symbolism: Symbols, motifs in queer celebrities’ fashion choices.

Fashion and Activism: Queer celebrities using fashion for activism, advocacy, social change.

Queer Aesthetics and Design: Queer aesthetics in celebrity fashion designers and stylists.

Media Representation: Queer celebrity portrayals in film, tv, music videos, digital media.

Queer Influencers: Tension between self-commodification and contributing to queer culture.

Fan Culture and Imitation: Queer celebrity fashion in imitation, cosplay, fan communities.

Queer Celebrity Fashion Brand Collaborations: Impact on brand and consumer behaviour.

Body Politics and Gender Fluidity: How queer celebrities challenge conventional body. norms and gender binaries through fashion, including impact on societal norms.

Queer Celebrities and the Fashion Industry: Impact on fashion industry’s sizing, fit, gender neutrality.

Identity: Queer celebrity fashion and identity formation, self-expression.

Intersectionality and Global Perspectives: Global influence of queer celebrities on fashion and diverse expressions of queerness in different cultural contexts.

Queer or Queer baiting? Exploitation of the queer market through queer fashion and style.

Each topic invites contributors to delve into the multifaceted relationship between queer celebrities and the world of fashion. We encourage submissions that offer unique, including non-western, perspectives, interdisciplinary approaches and innovative methodologies.

The deadline for manuscripts of 5000–7000 words (using Intellect House Style) is 1 July 2025.

Please visit the journal website for Notes for Contributors:

Please submit full manuscripts for double blind peer-review to Dirk Reynders at

Questions regarding journal standards and submissions should be sent to Hilde Van den Buck at

General questions regarding the journal can be sent to Joseph H. Hancock, II at