Common Ground: Making Connections in Interdisciplinary Place-Based Learning

deadline for submissions: 
March 20, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
NYC College of Technology
contact email: 

The New York City College of Technology (City Tech) Interdisciplinary Studies Committee will host a full-day conference, Common Ground: Making Connections in Interdisciplinary Place-Based Learning, on Friday, October 18, 2024. This conference invites individual presentations, panel presentations, short talks, and workshop proposals that include, but are not limited to, the following topics as they relate to interdisciplinary exploration of the latest educational strategies, innovations, and practices.

Innovative approaches to learning and learning environments (e.g., advanced technologies for education, augmented reality, game-based learning, simulations for learning, place-based and virtual place-based learning, virtual reality learning environments, etc.)
Collaborative learning (co-teaching, team teaching, project-based learning, place-based learning, problem-based learning, etc.)
Communities of practice and socially responsive learning (diversity, equity, and inclusion; digital divide issues, initiatives, and cases; education for sustainable development; climate change, sustainability, conservation; food security/urban agriculture/local food system; civic engagement)
Best practices in assessment and implementation
Educational policy and innovation

To submit a proposal, please complete the following form:

Please note that there will be no conference registration fee.

The proposal submission deadline has been extended to March 20, 2024. Email us at if you have any questions.