Anime Expo Symposium - JAMS@AX24
Want to present your work at the one-and-only Anime Expo? The Journal of Anime and Manga Studies (JAMS) and Anime Expo have once-again teamed up to give you the JAMS@AX24 academic symposium, July 4 - July 7 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. This symposium presents an incredible opportunity to connect fans of all ages directly to scholars researching and writing about the medium we all love.
While the JAMS@AX24 welcomes all papers taking a scholarly perspective on anime, manga, cosplay, and their fandoms, we specifically welcome papers that match Anime Expo’s theme of: “Edo Japan''. To match this theme, we encourage presenters to think of how anime presents Japanese history and culture, especially during this period. Papers in this topic could include anime representations of:
- Japanese culture, past and present
- Japanese festivals and holidays
- Japan as Place, modern or historical
- Performing artists like geisha
- Histories of Japan, real or imagined
To reiterate, more general papers about anime and manga are also encouraged to be submitted!
Interested academics should submit a title, 150-word abstract, and bio through this form. []
Submissions are due by April 19th.
Questions can be sent to: Billy Tringali,
Notes to submitters:
The JAMS@AX Conference is held in the late-morning through late-afternoon over multiple days of Anime Expo and is open to all attendees.
Presenters will have roughly 20 minutes to present in their session, and will be paired with one or two additional presenters. Sessions will run for roughly one hour, with time divided between presenters, with additional time for questions following the session during “Office Hours”.
All accepted presenters will be given complimentary weekend badges to Anime Expo.
Conference Runner:
Billy Tringali
Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Anime and Manga Studies
Faculty Librarian at Indiana University - Indianapolis
Contact Information
Billy Tringali,