Henry Miller in the 21st Century

deadline for submissions: 
January 15, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal/The Henry Miller Memorial Library
contact email: 



From 16-19 October of 2025, Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal and the

Henry Miller MemorialLibrary will host aconference at Asilomar in Pacific Grove,

California, with an excursion to the Henry MillerMemorial Library in Big Sur. We will

examine Miller in light of contemporary thinking, asking the question: Is Henry

Miller relevant today?


Although presentations on any aspect of Miller's writing, artwork, and life are

welcomed, the conference organizers particularlyencourage consideration of the

theme of Miller's place in the 21st Century.


Topics for presentations might include, but are not limited to:


  • Why was Henry Miller a revolutionary writer?
  • In what way is Henry Miller still relevant for 21st century readers?
  • What areas of scholarship on Miller still need to be explored?
  • How has your perspective on Miller changed over the years?
  • Are any of Miller's books more (or less) relevant now than in the

            20th century?


Please submit abstracts (300 words maximum) for 20-minute presentations and

short biographical notes stating affiliation(150 words) no later than January 15,

2025, to jdecker@icc.edu


Confirmation of acceptance: February 15, 2025


An edited volume of essays featuring selected (and expanded) papers from the

conference will be published in book form. 


For more information about the conference and available scholarships, please

visit https://henrymiller21stcentury.com/