2024 Brandeis Novel Symposium: Anna Burns's Milkman CFP
The eighth annual Brandeis Novel Symposium (BNS), which will take place on October 25, 2024, invites proposals for papers on Anna Burns’s novel Milkman (2018). The Brandeis Novel Symposium is a one-day conference that chooses a single novel as a point of focus for salient theoretical, historical, political, and narratological questions about the novel as a genre. (See the 2023 Symposium website for more information about the BNS.)
In that spirit, we welcome proposals about Milkman that illuminate its relation to such broader topics as: Irish literature; “world literature”; the historical novel; the political novel; the comic novel; the experimental novel; representations of the Troubles; the representation of trauma in language; crises of national identity; border studies; postcolonial and decolonial fiction; sexual violence; and gender. Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words by June 15, 2024 to Laura Green (la.green@northeastern.edu) and Jerome Tharaud (jtharaud@brandeis.edu). Submissions will receive responses by June 30, 2024.