Call for Papers: ‘Global South Diasporic Voices: Rethinking Praxis and Theory in Communication for Development’
Call for Papers: Journal of Global Diaspora & Media
Special Issue: ‘Global South Diasporic Voices: Rethinking Praxis and Theory in Communication for Development’
View the full call here>>
Recent shifts in global migration patterns, particularly in the last two decades, and the advent of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have positioned Diasporas as significant actors in development narratives. However, the preponderance of western-centric voices in development discourse obscures Indigenous perspectives, thus positioning scholars who straddle the Global North and South as unique experts given their knowledge exchange and socio-political advocacy (Brinkerhoff 2009).
This issue invites contributions that explore how these diasporic interventions challenge and expand existing C4D paradigms, incorporating Indigenous knowledge systems and leveraging digital Diasporas for development (Karim 2003). We seek to explore the nuanced ways in which diaspora communities engage with and transform C4D practices. This encompasses a critical assessment of how traditional media and ICTs facilitate or hinder the diaspora's development contributions, the role of social media in creating transnational public spheres for development discourse (Castells 2008), and the potential for media to act as a catalyst for social change within Global South contexts (Manyozo 2012).
Contributions may address, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Theoretical reconceptualizations of C4D in the context of diaspora and transnationalism.
Case studies on the use of media and ICTs by the diaspora for development, including the impact of social media platforms.
Analyses of the challenges and opportunities presented by digital Diasporas in influencing development agendas.
Critical examinations of how Diasporas negotiate identity, representation and politics in media narratives related to development.
We encourage submissions that critique existing models and inform policy direction, present innovative approaches for integrating diaspora voices into development communication strategies and reflect diverse methodologies and interdisciplinary participation.
Submission of abstracts should include name, institutional affiliation, contact information, title and a 400-word abstract. Email your abstracts to all guest editors Carolyn Walcott, Maha Bashri and Farooq Kperogi
Publication deadlines and timeline:
Abstracts due: 26 April 2024
Confirmation of acceptance: 20 May 2024
Full manuscript due: 19 September 2024
Revisions sent out (peer review): 26 October 2024
Final submission: January 2025
Online First publication: June 2025