New Directions in Ecocriticism
Call for Papers
PAMLA 2024 Conference: November 7-10, at the Margaritaville Resort in Palm Springs, California, completely in-person
19249. Ecocriticism (co-sponsored by Association for the Study of Literature & Environment) (Panel / In-Person)
Ecocriticism and Science / Historical and Political Studies
Presiding Officer: Beatriz Rivera-Barnes (Pennsylvania State University - Penn State Worthington Scranton)
This session investigates any aspect of ecocriticism, including (but not limited to) ecocritical theory, environmental ethics, environmental justice, colonial and postcolonial ecologies, gender and ecology, literary representations of environmental realities or of non-human beings, and interdisciplinary investigations of literature and environmental science.
While a wide array of topics are welcome, we are particularly interested in papers that engage with the conference theme of "Translation in Action."
Send proposals to Beatriz Rivera-Barnes through:
New Directions in Ecocriticism
This session investigates any aspect of ecocriticism, including (but not limited to) ecocritical theory, environmental ethics, environmental justice, colonial and postcolonial ecologies, gender and ecology, literary representations of environmental realities or of non-human beings, and interdisciplinary investigations of literature and environmental science. While a wide array of topics are welcome, we are particularly interested in papers that engage with the conference theme of "Translation in Action." Although the immediate interpretation of translation is the bringing across of a text from one language to another, one must bear in mind that the word translation derives from the Latin translation, to carry across, thus enlarging the possibilities of the conference theme. Translation in action can also refer to landscapes transformed. Of particular interest in this session will be novels of extraction, comparative studies of novels of extraction, colonial biopolitics, ecocritical approaches to labor and agriculture, and any ecocritical approach—be it literary or interdisciplinary—that addresses environmental, social and biopolitical issues that remain vibrant today. Guiding questions include: dictatorships in literature, novels of extraction, film, science fiction, monsters in literature and film, and terms of the biopolitical.