Call for Contributors to the Handbook of Humanities Podcasting

deadline for submissions: 
May 5, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Kim Adams, Saronik Bosu, Beth Kramer and Milan Terlunen
contact email: 

We’re excited to announce a Call for Contributors to the Handbook of Humanities Podcasting, under contract with Palgrave MacMillan. Contributors will explore how the present-day humanities look different from the perspectives of people who create podcasts and teach podcasting, and what futures for the humanities and its disciplines podcasting can open up. Contributions will consist of a short essay (3000 words) and participation in a podcast recording. 


​​We’re committed to assembling a diverse range of contributors, including in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, nationality, geographical location, academic discipline, career stage/job title and institutional affiliation (including in particular people who identify with the humanities but don’t work/study at a university). Whatever your connection and experience with podcasting is, we’re interested in your ideas!


Click here for more information on the project, and if you’re interested complete the form by Sunday May 5th.


We look forward to hearing from you,

Kim Adams, Saronik Bosu, Beth Kramer and Milan Terlunen