The Public Dimension of Dwelling
Between Journal Vol. XV, N. 28 (November 2024) The Public Dimension of Dwelling
edited by Clotilde Bertoni, Massimo Fusillo, Giulio Iacoli, Marina Guglielmi, Niccolò Scaffai
Submission deadline: 2024-05-31 (Friday)
Estimated review date: 2024-07
Publication date: 2024-11-30 (Saturday)
«Space that has been seized upon by the imagination cannot remain indifferent space subject to the measures and estimates of the surveyors. It has been lived in, not in its positivity, but with all the partiality of the imagination» (Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, Boston: Beacon Press, 1994).
This in-progress issue intends to focus on dwelling as a practice, an experience of lived space narrated by literature, the arts, and the media. This implies a special focus on the significant crossings of these inhabited spaces, on the encounters, the relationships that are formed and the encounters that take shape there.
Proposals should address the public dimension of dwelling, which can be a temporary or continuous experience, and can take place either in institutional, social or cultural spaces privileged by literary and artistic representations or in scarcely travelled, unseen, and unthought-of places.
To give just an example, the co-presence of highly differentiated public dwelling spaces in Alice Munro’s short fiction – be they topical or exceptional – can provide an instructive comparison. On the one hand, we can see a retirement home – an end-of-life space that ideally encompasses the fate of a whole town, Hanratty, where Rose, the protagonist of the stories in Who Do You Think You Are? (1978), grew. Next to it, Toronto hospital, dull and grey, where Janet’s father, the protagonist of the eponymous story (1978) of The Moons of Jupiter (1982), awaits a decisive operation. These two places are flanked and contrasted by the breath-taking planetarium, where Janet finds refuge and inspiration, bringing back with her notions of astronomy to share with her hospitalized father.
However, it is not hard to understand how this is a significant, long-term relationship between individuals and public environments that potentially embraces the whole of modernity, without excluding interpretative hypotheses referring to previous ages.
Chronotopes or emblematic places of modernity such as cafes, libraries, bookshops, and museums. Heterotopias such as boarding schools and boarding houses, prisons, hospitals, and sanatoriums, as well as studios, workshops, and gymnasiums. The places of such an inescapably partial list can all take on the meaning of ‘home’ in a personal, metaphorical, alternative, occasional or ironic way. They describe in any case an intense relationship of the individual with the place: the meaning of dwelling differentiates, in a decisive way, from that of merely crossing or rapid passage, at the basis, for example, of our experience of contemporary non-places.
Along with Bachelard’s suggestions with which we started our introduction, proposals will focus on different types of relationship individuals establishes with places, and on their emotions, and imaginative investments. This also means focusing on the different styles of living and the meanings of this experience, reflected in private life and public interactions.
Authors are invited to consult the summary bibliography at the end of this call for papers.
In case of any doubts and/or for any further information, please e-mail the editors.
Articles ready for publication (no longer than 40,000 characters including spaces, paginated on the provided Template, along with title, abstracts and metadata in English) must be sent to the journal by May 15, 2024, following the instructions available on the Submissions page of the Between's website. Accepted articles will be published on November 30, 2024.
Submissions are accepted in Italian, English and French or in a bilingual version. Submissions in a language other than Italian or in a bilingual version (one of which in English or French) are appreciated and encouraged, especially for papers relating to foreign authors.
This issue is edited by Clotilde Bertoni, Massimo Fusillo, Giulio Iacoli, Marina Guglielmi, Niccolò Scaffai. For further information please write to;;;;, or to
Summary bibliography
Anselmi G. M., Ruozzi G. (a cura di) (2003). Luoghi della letteratura italiana, Bruno Mondadori · Bachelard G. [1957] (1975). La poetica dello spazio, Dedalo · Bauer D., Kelly M. J. (2019). The Imagery of Interior Spaces, Punctum Books · Bruno G. [2006] (2015). Atlante delle emozioni. In viaggio tra arte, architettura e cinema, Bruno Mondadori · Calabrese S. (2020). Neuronarrazioni, Editrice Bibliografica · Cantatore L. (2015) Parva sed apta mihi. Studi sul paesaggio domestico nella letteratura per l’infanzia del XIX secolo, ETS · Capurro R. (1997) Bauen Als Denkaufgabe : Text Eines Vortrags ... 30. November 1995 Am Institut Für Grundlagen Der Gestaltung Lehrstuhl Für Grundlagen Der Architektur Der Universität Karlsruhe, Univ. Karlsruhe (TH), Inst. F. Grundlagen der Gestaltung · Cavicchioli S. (2002). I sensi, lo spazio, gli umori e altri saggi, Bompiani · Costa M. (2016). Psicologia ambientale e architettonica. Come l’ambiente e l’architettura influenzano la mente e il comportamento, Franco Angeli · Crouch, D. (a cura di) (1999). Leisure/Tourism Geographies: Practices and Geographical Knowledge, Routledge · Dance A. (2017). Science and Culture: The brain within buildings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(5), pp. 785-787 · Dillon M. R. (2021). Rooms without walls: Young children draw objects but not layouts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150(6), pp. 1071-1080 · Donati R. (2016). Critica della trasparenza, Rosenberg & Sellier · Filighera T., Micalizzi A. (2018). Psicologia dell’abitare. Marketing, architettura e neuroscienze per lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli abitativi, Franco Angeli · Fludernik M. (2014). Description and perspective: The representation of interiors. Style, 48(4), pp. 461-478 · Fludernik M., Keen S. (2014). Introduction: Narrative Perspectives and Interior Spaces in Literature Before 1850. Style, 48(4), 453-460 · Giannitrapani A. (2013). Introduzione alla semiotica dello spazio, Carocci · Hammad M. (2003). Leggere lo spazio, comprendere l’architettura, Meltemi · Hamon Ph. [1989] (1995). Esposizioni. Letteratura e architettura nel XIX secolo, Clueb · Hasse J. (2008). Die Stadt als Wohnraum, Alberverlag · Hasse J. (2017). Wege der Wohn-Forschung, Springer · Helleman G., Wassenberg F. (2004). The renewal of what was tomorrow’s idealistic city. Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer high-rise. Cities, 21(1), pp. 3-17 · Innocenti L. (a cura di) (1995). Scene, itinerari, dimore. Lo spazio nella narrativa del ’700, Bulzoni · Johnson M. J. (2022). Il significato incarnato dell’architettura in Robinson S., Pallasmaa J. (a cura di), La mente in architettura. Neuroscienze, incarnazione e il futuro del design, Firenze University Press · Kukla Quill R. (2012). City Living: How Urban Spaces and Urban Dwellers Make One Another, Oxford University Press · Lefebvre H. [1968] (2014). Il diritto alla città, Ombre corte · Lipsedge K. (2012). Domestic space in eighteenth-century British novels, Springer · Lopatko E. (2022).Bust the Roof off Everything: Private Space and Social Life in Modernist Literature, University of California · Moretti F. (2019). Un paese lontano. Cinque lezioni sulla cultura americana, Einaudi · Perrot M. (2003). Gli spazi del privato in Moretti F. (a cura di), Il romanzo. Temi, luoghi, eroi, vol. IV, Einaudi · Pedone S., Tedeschini M. (a cura di) (2014). Abitare. Sensibilia, 8. Perrot M. (2011). Storia delle camere, trad. it., Sellerio · Richardson P. (2017). House of Fiction: From Pemberley to Brideshead, Great British Houses in Literature and Life, Unbound Publishing · Ruffel L. (2014). The Public Spaces of Contemporary Literature. Qui parle, XXII (2), pp. 101-122 · Santana-Acuña Á. (2019). Interior Spaces in Literature: A Sociological and Historical Perspective in Bauer D., Kelly M. J. (a cura di), The Imagery of Interior Spaces, Punctum Books, pp. 219-236 · Schulz C.N. (1979). Genius Loci. Paesaggio Ambiente Architettura, Electa. Schweighauser Ph. (2006). The Noises of American Literature, 1890-1985. Toward a History of Literary Acoustics, University Press of Florida · Vasilyeva M., Lourenco S. F. (2012). Development of spatial cognition. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 3(3), pp. 349-364 · Vitta M. (2020). Dell’abitare. Corpi, spazi, oggetti, immagini, Einaudi · Winter S., Ackermann K. (a cura di) (2014). Spazio domestico e spazio quotidiano nella letteratura e nel cinema dall’Ottocento a oggi. Franco Cesati · Zago G., Callegari C., & Campagnaro M. (a cura di) (2019). La casa. Figure, modelli e visioni nella Letteratura per l’infanzia dal Novecento ad oggi, Pensa multimedia.