Call for Papers: Values – axiology – cultures

deadline for submissions: 
June 6, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
UMCS (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland)
contact email: 

We would like to invite you to submit proposals for articles for thematic issues "Values – axiology – of culture".

The dynamic reality of the second decade of the 21st century makes us think of the surrounding world as a sphere of constant change, full of violent events, breaking ties with what until recently seemed traditional and unchangeable. It also provokes reflection on how the sense of axiological crisis has been dealt with over the centuries, to what extent the methods of overcoming this crisis developed at that time have opened up new perspectives for the development of culture, literature and language, to what degree they have turned out to be a trap, and finally to what extent they are used in contemporary creative activities.

The sense of crisis that has been experienced for many years makes the cultural tendencies related to the search for stability more and more visible. Therefore, we also encourage you to reflect on the place of literature on the cultural map in this context. How do hierarchies of values and ways of evaluating reality function in language?

 We would like to invite you to reflect together on issues concerning the condition of literature, culture and language, both from the modern viewpont aswell as from the historical perspective. We are interested in reflection on the axiological determinants of various literary, cultural and linguistic phenomena. Therefore, we would like to invite you to co-create this year's volumes of "Annales UMCS. Sec. FF", which will focus on issues such as, e.g.:

 -        axiology in Polish and foreign literature (case studies, cross-sectional and comparative approaches);

 -        the place of literature in contemporary (pop)culture;

 -        literary awards as a way of promoting selected values;

 -        dialogues of literature and art as axiological discussions;

 -        literary and cultural traditions in confrontation with modernity;

 -        the political nature of literature/culture from a historical perspective;

 -        manifestations of the crisis and ways of overcoming it in culture, literature and language;

 -        ancient and contemporary manifestations of the axiologization of culture, literature and language;

 -        transformations of language in the face of socio-cultural reality;

 -        disputes about the value and functions of literature over the centuries;

 -        theories and methodologies of literary, linguistic and cultural research in the context of axiological issues;

 -        axiological chaos or unchanging status quo;

 -        values and methods of evaluation encoded in the language;

 -        changes in the methods and scopes of linguistic evaluation.

 The presented set of issues is open-ended.

 Article submission deadline: June 6, 2024. We accept texts in English, French, German, as well as Polish.


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