Baltic Horror (Edited Collection). Call for two additional chapters
Baltic Horror (Edited Collection). Call for two additional chapters
deadline for submissions:
June 30, 2024
full name / name of organization:
Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns
contact email:
Baltic Horror (Edited Collection)
Editor: Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns. Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
The Editor of Baltic Horror is looking for two additional chapters to replace two contributors who had to leave the project. The rest of the chapters are already done and the collection has a signed contract with Wales Press. Both chapters are required with some urgency, as the manuscript is due by the end of September 2024. Full chapters and abstracts are welcome until June 30, 2024, but please note that full chapters are due by the end of August 2024.
Below, the original call for papers with modified dates. Any questions are welcome.
Horror cinema and nationhood are inextricably linked together. As Robin Wood stated in his now classic essay “American Nightmare”, the horror film is the nightmarish meeting of director and audiences, both acknowledging that the film is the enactment of national repressed fears and anxieties. Wood’s thesis has been applied to other geographies, including Latin-America, Asia or part of Europe. Regarding the latter, Italy, Spain or UK have been object of different studies, essays and monographies. Yet, there are European geographies still lacking critical attention
The Baltic zone is rife with issues of cohesion, fragmentation, mutual cooperation, internal tensions, integration, disintegration, strong senses of belonging, myths and folklore. With this in mind, it is possible to argue that some cultural nightmares are possibly shared by the region as a whole. Or each country only tells its own horror story? Even if with a rich history, most of the region lacks academic analysis and investigation, and the way each country shapes national/transnational/supranational horror is a good point of departure for inquiries on horror culture.
The volume’s editor welcome proposals for previously unpublished essays addressing horror in the Baltic zone, including horror cinema, horror literature, horror video games, horror TV series, horror culture, myths, national folklore, etc., from any period of time. To be more specific, the editor understands “Baltic” as the geographical zone comprising Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden.
Please submit your 500-word abstracts with brief bios in a Word doc to the editor, Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns, by June 30, 2024. Send proposals and inquiries to:
Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns (PhD) is Director of the research group on horror culture Grite, currently investigating Baltic horror for the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Pagnoni Berns has authored a book about Spanish horror TV series Historias para no Dormir (Universidad de Cádiz, 2020) and has edited a book on Frankenstein bicentennial (Universidad de Buenos Aires), one on director James Wan (McFarland, 2021), one on the Italian giallo film (University of Mississippi Press), one on horror comics for Routledge and one on the intersection of horror and philosophy. Currently editing a book on Wes Craven for Lexington Press Series Critical Companions to Contemporary Directors, edited by Adam Barkman and Antonio Sanna.