Asian Influences in/on American Poetry
What effect has Asian thought or culture had in/on American poetry? How has it diversified or failed to diversify that poetry or its epistemology? This panel seeks papers on connections between American poetry/poetics and Asian culture, philosophy, and/or religion. Any connection is welcome including how poets have (mis)used Asian culture and/or thought in their poetry and thinking about poetry. However, in keeping with the Northeast Modern Language Association’s (NeMLA's) theme of “(R)EVOLUTION,” I am particularly interested in affinities between ways of knowing in Asian thought and American poetry and how such affinities may disrupt traditional Western epistemologies or cause American and European readers to rethink their connection to the world. How have such affinities “offered more or less progressive and imaginative mappings for more or less radical change” (to quote NeMLA's description of its theme)? Panelists might address such issues as the relationship between language and Being, language and knowing, or between ways of knowing and the environment, the Other, the (hysterical) sublime and so on. Papers on Wallace Stevens, in particular his connection to Taoism, will receive priority consideration. Please submit your abstract to the panel on NeMLA's CFP by September 30, 2024.