Call for RSAJournal Issue 36
RSAJournal, the journal of the Italian Association of American Studies (, is issuing the following calls relating to proposals for its #36 issue (publication date: September 2025): 1. CALL FOR SPECIAL SECTIONRSAJournal’s Special Section revolves around one "leading edge" topic/concept in the field of American Studies and typically includes 6-8 journal-length essays by established as well as early career scholars. This call is addressed to experienced scholars of American Studies, who may be interested (individually on in collaboration with one or two other colleagues) to act as Guest Editors of our upcoming Special Section. Guest Editors will commit to:
- Submit a concept for the Special Section in the form of a Special Section Proposal (see Submission Details, below), no later than September 22nd, 2024. This submission must include abstracts for at least 3 contributions that have already been secured for publication in this Special Section (see Submission Details, below);
- If their submission is accepted, prepare, in conjunction with the Journal Manager, an open Call for Papers, to be distributed worldwide by the journal;
- Select submissions, oversee the double-blind peer review process in collaboration with the Journal Manager, and deliver ready-for-typesetting manuscripts (in .docx format) to the journal by April 30th, 2025.
Special Section Submission DetailsSpecial Section submissions should include:
- A 500-word concept for the Special Section, including a tentative title, highlighting the intellectual challenge involved, and leading edge positioning of the topic in the field of interdisciplinary American Studies;
- A description of possible subtopics for individual contributions that can be indicative for authors who may wish to send submissions;
- Editor (or editors) name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and short bio(s);
- No less than three, and up to five paper proposals that the editors regard as relevant to the Special Section proposed and that they believe have potential to succeed in a double-blind peer review process. Each contribution proposal must include:
- Author’s name
- Author’s affiliation
- Provisional title
- A 300-word abstract
- A 150-word bionote
We would like to stress that this is NOT a call for the publication of full conference proceedings. Special Section Proposals should be sent to by September 22nd, 2024, in one .docx or .pdf file detailing all the above. Special Section editor(s) for the #36 issue will be announced by September 30th, 2024, and all proponents will be notified by email. 2. CALL FOR PAPERSRSAJournal also publishes individual scholarly contributions in any sub-field of American Studies in its General Section. Submissions for the #36 issue in the form of full, finished papers are due by January 31st, 2025. All info at: 3. CALL FOR FIRST EDITIONSEach issue of RSAJournal features a previously unpublished manuscript of up to 4.000 words (including short fiction, poetry, primary sources, archival sources, historical documents, correspondence) pertaining to American Studies, framed by an editor’s introduction. Proposals in one .docx or .pdf file should be sent via email to by September 22nd, 2024, and should include:
- Author, title and a brief abstract of the proposed manuscript
- Editor’s 150-word bionote
- A clear indication that the editor has, or is working towards obtaining, permission from the manuscript’s copyright owners to publish the proposed text at no cost to the journal.
First Editions do not undergo a blind peer review.