NeMLA 2025 - Birth Trauma
Please consider submitting an abstract for the NeMLA 2025 in Philadelphia.
Birth trauma is recurrent around the globe where it is estimated that one third of the birthing people experience some forms of trauma and PTDS. This panel aims to examine contemporary narratives of birth trauma appeared in the last 20 years in an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective, across disciplines and by using various methodologies. We welcome papers that engage with novels, graphic novels, memoirs, essays, cross-genre texts, poems, films, plays, and social media that address trauma during or after birth. Topics discussed may include stories of obstetrical violence, disrespectful practices, gender and racial violence, and pregnancy loss, among others. The panel investigates how creative and/or autobiographical forms of expressions help navigating traumatic experiences, the healing process, and change medical protocols.
Submit 200-word abstract and a short bio to: