The First Scientific Conference “Polish & Russian Cinemas”
The Student Scientific Circle of Cooperation and Dialogue with The East (the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw) & the Eastern House Show-Window of the KARTA Centre Foundation have the pleasure to invite you to
The First Scientific Conference
P O L I S H & R U S S I A N C I N E M A S
Date: 25–26th October 2024
Venue: The Eastern House Show-Window,
Warsaw (Poland), 6 plac Konstytucji
Details are in the attachment below ↓
Call for Papers & Conference Invitation:
The Registration Form:
Film art, the youngest of the Muses, having been settled among their pantheon for a long time, is—as Andrei Tarkovsky states—“perhaps the most personal art, the most intimate” since “in cinema only the author’s intimate truth will be convincing enough for the audience to accept.” Through painting with images as well as with words, sounds, and, finally, movement, it expands across its other sisters, turning into their amalgam—and, in this respect, it becomes, to quote Karol Irzykowski, “the visibility of man’s contact with matter,” which continually “poses (to us) aesthetic and philosophical riddles.” Furthermore, as a kaleidoscope of impressions, poetics, values, and ideas, it is—more or less deliberately—a mirror in which the reflections of its creators’ individual artistic and national spirits gleam continuously.
The Conference is scheduled to discuss the widely understood Polish and Russian cinematographies in all their major aspects, both as individual phenomena and through a prism of comparative studies. The diapason of research issues proposed by the Conference Committee includes, inter alia:
I. Russian/Polish film theories • the history of film studies thought • the philosophy of film—its ontology and aesthetics;
II. Russian/Polish film history • history of Russian/Polish cinematography • interrelations between film and historical discourses;
III. Russian/Polish film criticism (synchronically/diachronically);
IV. Critical analysis of Russian/Polish films;
V. Film semiotics—cinematic works as a language, code, or medium of meanings;
VI. Interpretations and reinterpretations of Russian/Polish cinematic works;
VII. Russian/Polish films seen through the prism of visual anthropology;
VIII. Dialogicity of cinematic works—relations between cinema, literature, and art.
The eight points above provide an indicative thematic framework for the Conference, although it is still possible for participants to propose their ideas beyond the suggested research areas.
The languages of the conference: English, Russian, Polish.
The Conference is planned to be held on-site (online participation is allowed in specific & justified cases). The registration forms of applicants interested in participating in the Conference should be sent to the following address (used also for correspondence) by the 30th September 2024:
The Conference Committee reserves the right to select the papers.
The post-conference publication of a peer-reviewed monographic volume is scheduled to be published under the auspices of a publishing house present in “The List of Publishing Houses Publishing Peer-Reviewed Scientific Monographs” (“Wykaz wydawnictw publikujących recenzowane monografie naukowe”) of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.
The conference fee is PLN 300 (EUR 70); it has to be paid by the 20th October 2024—after the acceptance of the application by the Conveners. The bank account numbers for PLN & EUR (including the IBAN) are going to be sent with the letter of acceptance from the Conference Committee.
The conference fee includes the publication of the proceedings and coffee breaks during the event. Travel and accommodation costs are covered by the participants.
If necessary, enquiries may also be addressed to an alternative correspondence address, whereby the word “KINO” must then be included in the title of the message:
The Conference Committee:
Piotr Głuszkowski (The University of Warsaw)
Michał Kołakowski (The University of Warsaw)
Filip Świerczyński (The University of Warsaw)
Alexey Vasiliev (The Eastern House Show-Window)