Routledge Focus on Dramaturgy: Ecodramaturgies

deadline for submissions: 
August 31, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Heather Jeanne Denyer, California State University, Fullerton
contact email: 

Call for papers for the volume on Ecodramaturgies for Routledge Focus on Dramaturgy series, edited by Magda Romanska:

The term “ecodramaturgy,” coined by Theresa May in 2007, implies how the environment and climate change are interrogated and promoted through performance. While connections between storytelling and the natural world go back to the earliest forms of theatre, it has only been recently that theatre scholars have begun to probe the ways that theatre can be used to address climate change or connect audiences back to nature, as evidenced in the work of Chantal Bilodeau, Una Chaudhuri, and Lisa Woynarski, among others.

This volume attempts to illustrate the scope of the many ecodramaturgies at play around the world. For the collection, I am seeking chapters (most will be app. 2,500 words, including notes and bibliography) on ecodramaturgies, that fall under the broad categories of staging and practices, voices and narration, climate justice, and ecocriticsm. Chapters may include case studies of individual works, statements by or interviews with theatre artists and companies, as well as essays. Possible topics to consider include ways in which the following themes are engaged and interrogated through the performing arts, including theatre, dance, and puppetry:
• Climate justice
• Community engagement in environmental activism
• Connections between 2SLGBTQIA+ activism and climate activism
• Ecocriticism
• Ecoscenography and Environmental staging
• Indigenous knowledges
• The post-Anthropocene
• Sustainability in design
• Voices of nature

For the collection, I am particularly interested in chapters that reflect perspectives from First Nations, Indigenous, and other Global South communities and cultures.

Please send abstracts of up to 300 words, along with a brief bio (50 words) to by August 31, 2024. Accepted notifications will be sent by September 30, 2024, and first drafts of chapters will be due by March 30, 2025.