Joyce Studies Annual Special Cluster James Joyce and Networks of Transnationality

deadline for submissions: 
August 31, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Joyce Studies Annual
contact email: 

The transnational turn in modernist studies has helped generate important scholarly works— Modernist Fiction, Cosmopolitanism and the Politics of Community (Jessica Berman, Cambridge UP, 2001),  Geomodernisms: Race, Modernism, Modernity (edited by Laura Doyle and Laura Winkiel, Indiana UP, 2005), Cosmopolitan Style: Modernism Beyond the Nation (Rebecca Walkowitz, Columbia UP, 2006), The Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms (edited by Mark Wollaeger and Matt Eatough, Oxford UP, 2012), Chimeras of Form (Aarthi Vadde, Columbia UP, 2016), and many other publications— over the last two decades which have examined how modernism transcends national borders and reveals the aporias of nationhood. Jessica Berman suggests how the prefix “trans” in transnationalism connotes a disruption of the idea of the nation: “The prefix ‘trans’ shares the oppositional valence of such words as ‘transgress’ and ‘transform.’ When we use the prefix ‘trans’ to mean not just ‘across, on the far side of, … or over,’ but also ‘beyond, surpassing, transcending,’ it represents a challenge to the normative dimension of the original entity or space, a crossing over that looks back critically from its space beyond” (“Transnational Modernisms,” 109). The works of James Joyce undoubtedly display the symptoms of radical transnationalism in various aspects, such as, they depict Dublin as a transhistorical and transnational palimpsest where global locations converge with one another transcending the local borders of Ireland, the intertextual allusions are replete with references from world literatures, and they often follow transnational networks of circulation (Paris, Chicago, New York City, etc.). This essay cluster aims at situating Joyce Studies within conversations of transnational modernism by investigating the multiplicity of Joyce’s transnationalism and its potential limitations. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • How does Joyce depict local rural/urban space(s) as transnational
  • How do the varied intertextual allusions influence the transnationalism of Joyce’s works
  • How does the modernist form of Joyce’s work connect with the concept of transnationalism
  • How does Joyce examine the notion of coloniality in a transnational context
  • How does Joyce conjoin the depiction of race/class/gender with transnationalism
  • How do Joyce’s works follow transnational networks of circulation
  • How does comparing Joyce’s works with instances of world literature generate new readings of modernist transnationalism

Please send a brief scholarly bio (100 words) and an abstract (250–300 words) combined in a single pdf to and by August 31, 2024. Full-length articles (7,000–9,000 words) will be due by March 1, 2025. Final essays will be accepted for publication through peer review.

Link to CFP