NeMLA 2025 CFP - Revolutionizing Perspectives: Navigating Paradigm Shifts in Interdisciplinary Humanities Research
With the changing social realities alongside rapid innovation in science and technology, there is a sharp paradigm shift in academia in terms of research, especially in humanities. This shift can be considered a radical change in the core concepts. It is imperative to absorb the very meaning of paradigm shift. The term paradigm shift was coined by Thomas Kuhn in his 1962 book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, in the context of revolutions in natural science. What is remarkable about Khun’s thought process is that in his book, Kuhn propounded the idea that theories have a social character and approaches them as social constructions that contain historical traces of the time and place in which they were generated. This concept is now applied more broadly to describe fundamental changes occurring in any domain, discipline, or field. When a paradigm shift occurs, the established human point of view is altered or even replaced with a new worldview. A paradigm shift occurs when there is a fundamental change in the understanding of a field of study as conditions change or earlier assumptions are disproven. Different fields of research have an underlying set of taken-for-granted assumptions and principles that govern issues such as how questions are asked, the selection of methods, the criteria for what is accepted as data, and the standards for evaluating the validity of knowledge claims. Contemporary interdisciplinary research in humanities is often described as bringing some essential changes in the structure and aims of the scientific enterprise. Sometimes, it is even characterized as a sort of Kuhnian scientific revolution. This ongoing paradigm shift underscores the dynamic nature of knowledge creation and the ever-evolving quest for a more comprehensive understanding of the world we inhabit.
Building on these notions, our panel seeks to deepen the understanding of how these paradigm shifts are reshaping the landscape of humanities research and scholarship. We invite contributions that not only recognize the challenges posed to traditional disciplinary boundaries but also explore the opportunities for innovation and growth that arise from embracing these shifts.
Suggested topics for abstract submissions include, but are not limited to:
- Social welfare studies as interdisciplinary practice
- Horizons of interest: agenda setting in the social sciences
- Commonalities, differences and relationships between the social and the natural sciences: research methodologies, professional practices and ethical positions
- Where mind meets world: cognitive science as interdisciplinary practice
- Food in Contemporary Context
- Disability Studies and Medical Humanities
- Culture, Technology, and the Future of Health
- Pedagogy and Interdisciplinary Teaching
- Gender and Culture
Please submit your abstracts through the official NeMLA portal only!
Here is the link:
Join us at this NeMLA 2025 conference and together, we shall embark on a collective voyage of exploration, unveiling the revolutionalising perspectives on contemporary research ideas.