Historical Fiction - Genre and Video Games

deadline for submissions: 
August 31, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Sabrina Zacharias and Sara Smith

Genre and Video Games - Historical Fiction: Global Histories 

We are seeking short chapters of approximately 2500-2700 words for an edited collection on literary genres in video games. We invite submissions for the “Historical Fiction” category of the collection.  

The collection fits into an ongoing genre studies series and will examine how literary genres function in video games, thereby bringing video games into the existing literary canon of genre studies. Each subsection will explore key themes in the existing canon while expanding on the interactive elements of video games that update and/or alter existing conversations about genre. The essays will be educational and accessible in nature with the aim of producing a comprehensive teaching companion for future courses in game studies, game development, or the digital humanities. 

This section of the collection looks to explore a range of perspectives and periods, with special interest in exploring both Western and Non-Western historical perspectives.The below period breakdown is not exhaustive nor should it be limiting. The periods are broken down here in a Western understanding but need not follow Western periodization.

Periods (non-limiting): 

  • Antiquity-Classical

  • 500-1400 (Medieval)

  • 1500-1800 (Early Modern)

  • 1800-1900 (19th Century) 

  • 1800-2000 (Modern and Contemporary representations)

Games that might be considered (but are not limited to): 

  • Where the Water Tastes like Wine

  • Assassin’s Creed series

  • Skyrim

  • Prince of Persia series 

  • Okami

  • Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

We invite proposals that look at various aspects of how different historical periods are represented, received by the audience, glorified through non-critical engagements, or criticized through active reimagining. Topics may include but are not limited to: (pre)Industrialism & Economy, Environment, Feudalism, Monarchy and/or Empire, Colonialism, Myth and storytelling (written, oral, or otherwise), Class, Gender and/or sexuality, Race, and Disability.

Particular interest will be paid to pieces that engage with Indigenous and Non-Western perspectives in the chosen game or through the chapter’s proposed scholarship.
Please submit an abstract of 250-300 words alongside a brief (100 word) bio to genreandvideogames@gmail.com by the date below.

Abstract due by: August 15, 2024
Prospective draft due date: December 15, 2024