"Womanism, Afrofuturism in the Paradigm Shift Era"
Call for Papers: "Womanism, Afrofuturism in the Paradigm Era"
Hosted by the Department of English, Howard University
The Department of English at Howard University invites scholars, researchers, and educators to submit abstracts for our forthcoming virtual conference on "Womanism, Afrofuturism in the Paradigm Shift Era." This second annual conference will explore contemporary approaches to the study of Womanism and Afrofuturism during this transformative period in American history.
Conference Themes:
We encourage submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
Literary Works and Authors:
- The contributions of Octavia Butler and Alice Walker to womanist and Afrofuturist thought.
- Speculative Fiction and Black Science Fiction, including works by Pauline Hopkins, Sun Ra, George Schuyler, Samuel Delaney, and Tananarive Due.
Media and Popular Culture:
- Analysis of films and media such as Hidden Figures, Black Panther, Get Out, and Us.
- The role of Black digital technologies in reclaiming and preserving Black histories.
Technology and Future Narratives:
- AfroTech and its influence on Black counter-futures or counter-narratives.
Interdisciplinary Approaches:
- Afrofuturism and Authenticity
- Disability Studies
- Drama and Folklore
- Gender Studies and Hip Hop Studies
- Intertextuality and Film/Television
- Literary Canon and Memory
- Protest and Pop Culture
- Urban Literature
Graduate and Creative Submissions:
- We also welcome graduate submissions and creative works such as short films and documentaries.
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstracts: Submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining your proposed presentation.
- Bio: Include a brief biography (up to 150 words) with your submission.
- Format: All submissions should be in Word or PDF format.
Deadline for Submissions:
Submission Email: Monique.Akassi@howard.edu
Virtual Conference Date: April 2025
Selected participants will be notified by no later than March 3,2025 and invited to present their research in a virtual format during the conference.
Contact Information:
For questions or further information, please contact:
Dr. Monique L. Akassi
Director of First-Year Writing
Department of English
Howard University
Join us in this critical exploration of Womanism and Afrofuturism during the Paradigm Shift Era. We look forward to your contributions and insights.