Rajpath: Journal of Creative Arts and English Language

deadline for submissions: 
December 23, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Rajpath Publisher

Rajpath: Journal of Creative Arts and English Language

Rajpath: Journal of Creative Arts and English Language invites researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their original manuscripts for consideration in our upcoming issues. We welcome contributions that explore the intersection of creative arts and the English language from a diverse range of perspectives and disciplines.

We invite submissions on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Creative writing and its impact on language
  • Literature and cultural studies
  • Language acquisition and pedagogy
  • Digital humanities and technology in language studies
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to creativity and language

Authors are encouraged to submit research articles, essays, book reviews, creative writing pieces, and other forms of scholarly work that contribute to the discourse surrounding creative arts and the English language.

Author Guidelines

1. Submission Categories

  • Research Articles: Empirical, theoretical, or critical research studies relevant to creative arts and/or English language.
  • Creative Works: Original poetry, short fiction, drama, visual art, and multimedia forms.
  • Reviews: Book reviews, reviews of exhibitions, performances, or other significant contributions to creative arts and language studies.
  • Essays and Reflections: Non-research-based essays or reflective pieces on topics related to the journal’s scope.

2. General Submission Requirements

  • Submissions should be original, unpublished works not under consideration elsewhere.
  • All manuscripts should be submitted via the JCAEL online submission portal: https://www.theinterscholar.org/journals/index.php/rajca
  • Manuscripts should follow APA (American Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association) style for citations, depending on the discipline.

3. Formatting Guidelines

  • Length: Research articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including references and appendices. Creative works and essays are typically limited to 3,000 words. Reviews should be between 1,000–1,500 words.
  • Font and Spacing: Manuscripts should be formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced.
  • Margins: One-inch margins on all sides.
  • Page Numbers: Include page numbers in the top-right corner of each page.
  • File Format: Submit manuscripts as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF files.

4. Abstract and Keywords

  • Abstract: Include an abstract of 150–250 words for research articles, reviews, and essays.
  • Keywords: Provide 4–6 keywords that reflect the main topics of the paper.

5. Creative Work Specifications

  • Poetry: Up to five poems, totaling no more than ten pages.
  • Short Fiction/Drama: Limit to one piece, up to 3,000 words.
  • Visual Art: Submit images in high-resolution JPEG or PNG format. Ensure each file is labeled with the title of the piece.
  • Multimedia: Provide links to the media files hosted on reliable platforms if the content exceeds 50 MB.

 6. Illustrations, Figures, and Tables

  • All images, figures, and tables should be embedded within the text and titled appropriately.
  • If images are included, provide high-resolution versions (300 dpi or higher).
  • Tables should be formatted simply and avoid extensive use of color.

7. Citations and References

  • Ensure accurate citations for all referenced material. Use either APA or MLA style consistently throughout.
  • Provide a full reference list at the end of the manuscript.

8. Peer Review Process

  • Submissions undergo a double-blind peer review. Authors should ensure that no identifying information appears in the manuscript.
  • Review feedback may lead to an acceptance, request for revisions, or rejection.
  • Authors can expect feedback within 8–12 weeks from submission.

9. Copyright and Permissions

  • Authors retain copyright of their work but grant JCAEL the right of first publication.
  • Authors must obtain permissions for any copyrighted material used in their submissions.

10. Ethical Considerations

Submissions should adhere to ethical standards, including the accurate representation of data and avoidance of plagiarism.


We are also pleased to announce that Rajpath: Journal of Creative Arts and English Language is expanding its editorial board. Interested PhD holders with expertise in relevant areas are invited to submit their CVs for consideration. As part of the editorial board, you will play a crucial role in shaping the direction and quality of the journal.

For submission guidelines and to express interest in joining the editorial board, please contact us at admin@theinterscholar.org

We look forward to receiving your submissions and applications.

Submission deadline: Extended to  December 23, 2024