Ekphrasis and the Music of Literature: Music, Literature, and the Visual Arts Arts

deadline for submissions: 
September 30, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Diana Shaffer / NeMLA
contact email: 

This roundtable invites proposals that explore the intersection of visual, aural, and verbal frontiers.  Although ekphrasis and musical form mirror words, they directly affect the emotions at a primordial level not available to verbal articulation. Ekphrasis translates words into visual images, whereas musical form translates them into sounds and rhythms. What are the differences between these modes of expression and how they affect their audiences?

This roundtable is part of NeMLA's 56th annual convention, to be held in Philadelphia, PA, March 3-6, 2025. To submit propoosals, follow these steps. 

Navigate to nemla.org

Navigate to Convention>Call for Proposals>Ekphrasis and the Music of Literature

Follow online instructions and format to submit your proposal. Title, Abstract, and a Brief biography will be requested.

Email me if you have further questions. diana.shaffer@tx.rr.com