NEMLA 2025: New Approaches to Teaching Medieval and Early Modern Spanish-language Texts
New Approaches to Teaching Medieval and Early Modern Spanish-language Texts
For those who study the medieval and early modern periods, it can be challenging at times articulate why this literature is worthy of study since much has already been written and current trends lean toward modern texts. We are indeed passionate about this research but others, including students who we want to enroll in our courses, may not be as excited. With enrollments in world languages decreasing and students focused on the practical application of their language studies, how do we continue to interest students in our literature courses? What’s more, how do we engage them with texts that were produced over four and five hundred years ago across an ocean, in a vastly different time and place? How do we expand our own research of these texts in ways that positively impact our teaching of them in the classroom? Those who study the medieval and early modern period may seek to embrace new approaches like incorporating modern critical models, popular culture, and interdisciplinary connections. This panel seeks papers that propose new and innovative approaches to teaching and researching the texts of medieval and early modern Spain and Latin America. Proposals should include a clear connection between research and teaching. Abstracts should be written in English and no more than 250 words.