A Hundred Years of Flannery O’Connor: Re-Visiting Her Legacy
The year 2025 will mark the centennial of one of the most powerful voices in twentieth-century American Literature. Author of a reduced fictional production (two novels and three collections of short stories), Flannery O’Connor (1925–1964) remains among the most widely praised authors of the United States, to the extent that, shortly after her premature death, claims by, among others, Brainard Cheney, Robert Giroux, and Caroline Gordon were made about the country having lost their next Nobel Laureate for Literature. Alternative history aside, what is true is that the last century of American literature would have lost an enormous amount of its meaning without the existence of Flannery O’Connor’s writing. Contemporary authors such as Eudora Welty (1909–2001), Alice Munro (born in 1931), Joyce Carol Oates (born in 1938), Stephen King (born in 1947), and Nick Cave (born in 1957), among others, are indebted to the brief, yet infinite universes created by O’Connor.
The aim of this conference is to commemorate Flannery O’Connor’s centennial with an academic symposium and a fresh approach to the meaning of her texts and her afterlife in today’s literature. Since the first conference held in Denmark in 1984, other European events about O’Connor have taken place in Italy, France, and Spain. Thus, the centennial is a timely opportunity to strengthen this exchange and to open new possibilities for research, teaching, and international collaboration.
The Department of English Studies at Universidad Complutense invites submissions of both individual papers (20 minutes) and/or panels. Proposals for individual papers should include a 200–250 words-long abstract and a short bio-note (100–150 words) of the author(s). Full panels should include three papers and a chair (who may also be the author of one of the papers); for full panels, the proposal should include the three abstracts and all the bio-notes. Topics can include, although not limited to, the following ones:
- Flannery O’Connor’s legacy in American letters.
- Flannery O’Connor’s legacy in foreign letters.
- Academic reception of Flannery O’Connor (both in the United States and internationally).
- Flannery O’Connor from a post-colonial perspective.
- Flannery O’Connor and Spain.
- Flannery O’Connor beyond fiction (letters, essays, reviews…).
- Flannery O’Connor and identity (religion, race, gender, class…).
- Flannery O’Connor as a Southerner: relationship with the cultural heritage of the region.
- The making of the artist: Flannery O’Connor and craftmanship.
- Flannery O’Connor and the tradition of spiritual writing.
Proposals should be sent to oconnor100@ucm.es by February 28th, 2025.
In a forthcoming, updated version of the CFP, we will provide information about fees, plenary speakers, etc., along with other practical issues concerning the celebration of the conference.
Organizing Committee:
- José Manuel Correoso Rodenas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Laura de la Parra Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Eusebio De Lorenzo Gómez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Carmen M. Méndez García (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Miguel Sanz Jiménez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)