Henry James Review special issue: Henry James and the Archive
Henry James and the Archive
The Henry James Review invites essays between 1,000 and 12,500 words on any aspect of Henry James studies and archives for a special fall 2025 forum issue on “Henry James and the Archive.”
Topics could include, for example:
• Using archives for Henry James scholarship
• Changes in how we understand the nature of the Henry James archive
• New archival sources for Henry James scholarship
• Collecting or collections of Henry James-related material(s)
• Overlooked or forgotten archives or archival research methods for Henry James scholarship
• James’s use of archives, archival concepts, and/or the archival in his fiction or non-fiction
• Henry James as archivist
Contributions should be produced according to current MLA style. Please identify your manuscript as a “Henry James and the Archive” Forum submission.
Send submissions to hjamesr@creighton.edu by April 1, 2025.