2023-2024 RSAP Book Prize: Deadline December 20, 2024

deadline for submissions: 
December 20, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Research Society for American Periodicals
contact email: 

Deadline: December 20, 2024


Contact: Cynthia Patterson (cpatterson@usf.edu) or Jim Berkey (jhb5255@psu.edu)


The Research Society of American Periodicals invites submissions for its 2023-2024 Book Prize. The prize is awarded to the best scholarly monograph on the subject of periodicals of the Americas published between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2024. We understand “the Americas” as a geopolitical region to encompass more than the fifty US states and we welcome submissions with local, regional, national, international, transnational, transatlantic, and/or hemispheric archives, methodologies, and orientations. We also consider serial publications that might not reflect the conventional form of periodicals like newspapers, scholarly journals, and magazines; therefore, books about publications like zines and comics as well as digital publications may be eligible for this prize. Please note that submissions from all fields and disciplines are welcome, though at this time we are only able to consider books written in English.


The prize winner will be awarded $1000. The prizewinner and two honorable mentions will also be provided with a one-year membership to the Research Society of American Periodicals, which includes a subscription to the society’s journal, American Periodicals. The winner and two honorable mentions will be invited to participate in an RSAP Book Prize Roundtable held at the 2025 American Literature Association conference. If the conference is held in person, all roundtable participants will be reimbursed for travel expenses related to the conference (up to $1000). In order to alleviate costs as much as possible and allow for an international panel of scholars to review submissions, we ask that all monographs be submitted in electronic form.


To apply, please email Cynthia Patterson at cpatterson@usf.edu and Jim Berkey at , jhb5255@psu.eduwith the completed  registration form (on the Research Society's homepage) as well as an electronic version of the monograph.


In order to be considered, all submissions must be received by December 20, 2024, 11:59 p.m., and award recipients will be notified by the end of January 2025.


For more about the Research Society for American Periodicals, visit https://www.periodicalresearch.org/ and follow on Twitter @RSAPeriodicals.