One Short Day: An Online Symposium Celebrating Wicked

deadline for submissions: 
May 30, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Noah Gallego and Layal Dahi
contact email: 

One Short Day: An Online Symposium Celebrating Wicked


Deadline: May 30, 2025

Conference Date: June 27, 2025

Format: Online (via Zoom, Pacific Time)

Abstract: 150 words + 50 word biographical statement + Time Zone

Submit to: Noah Gallego 

Organizers: Noah Gallego, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona & Layal Dahi, California State Polytechnic University 


"Every day is a great crisis for our society. ... We stand at a crossroads. Idolatry looms. Traditional values in jeopardy. Truth under siege and virtue abandoned" (Maguire 9).

In the spirit of the recent release of the long awaited cinematic adaptation of Gregory Maguire’s revisionist novel, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (1995), as well as timely political upheaval, this free online symposium invites scholars from all backgrounds and disciplines to contribute to this spellbinding gathering and critically engage with the novel and its theatrical and cinematic iterations. 

2025 will not only celebrate the release of the second installment of Jon M. Chu’s film adaptation but also the 30th anniversary of the release of Maguire’s novel as well as the 125th anniversary of the original source material: L. Frank Baum’s novel, The Wizard of Oz (1900). 

Emerging at the dawn of a new political administration that has provoked anxieties apropos of the story’s themes of fascism, propaganda, and terrorism, critical discourse on Wicked is necessary now more than ever. The work is a true testament to the subversive power of art and its potential to respond to the political climate. As Rebecca Onion wrote for The American Experience, Wicked is “an extended meditation on power and politics.” While the musical admittedly sanitizes some of the more grotesque images and subversive messages, as it experiences its renaissance at this consequential juncture, these themes deserve to be probed more critically. 

Interested parties are invited to submit an abstract of 150 words as well as a short biographical statement. Please include your timezone so we may slate you at an appropriate time. 

Proposals for panels with sufficient abstracts (at least 3) are also welcome!

The following list is illustrative of and by no means exhaustive of possible topics of inquiry:

  • Fascism, terrorism, and propaganda 

  • The role of social media and memes

  • AI

  • CGI, set design, cinematography, and production 

  • Global performances of Wicked

  • Wicked’s (2024) marketing campaign 

  • Fashion
  • Worldbuilding
  • Art
  • Poetry
  • Religion, tiktokism, and fantaticism 
  • Race

  • Gender, sexuality, and queerness

  • Feminism 

  • Disability 

  • Historicism 

  • Psychoanalysis 

  • Ecocriticism 

  • Critical Animal Studies 

  • Posthumanism 

  • Intertextuality

  • Philosophy 

  • Musicology 

  • Performance

The event will be free of charge and hosted online via Zoom (Pacific Time). Notifications of acceptance or rejection can be expected to be submitted up to a week following the deadline. Acceptees will prepare papers/presentations of up to 15 minutes. 

If you are simply interested in just attending, auditing is welcomed and encouraged! A registration form will go out prior to the conference.

Verification of presentation may be administered upon request. 

Please note that there are currently no plans to publish the accepted papers. However, depending on interest and the success of the symposium, I would be very interested to (co-)edit a collection based on the papers presented. If you would like to collaborate on this project, please let me know!

Please email Noah @ with any questions concerning the symposium, whether it be logistics or the content of your proposal.