"Postmemory and the Contemporary World" 6th International Interdisciplinary Conference

deadline for submissions: 
February 7, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
InMind Support

Conference online: 27-28 February 2025


Coined by Marianne Hirsch in the 1990s, the term postmemory by now entered various disciplines who search to understand how memory form our identity and how we position, articulate or just make sense of our place in the society and our relations with it. The term postmemory problematizes the concept of memory by bringing attention to the memories that are not exactly personal but that keep on shaping one’s life and one’s  way of seeing the world.

       During our conference we would like to concentrate on the phenomenon of postmemory and how it keeps on shaping the contemporary world.

  We are interested in all aspects of postmemory: in its individual and collective dimensions, in the past and in the present-day world, and in its potential to direct the future. Whose memory is postmemory: that of generations, communities, nations or families? How is it maintained and passed on? What is the role of imagination in its creation? What is remembered and what is forgotten? Is it always the memory of traumatic experience? How can it be taught and studied? These are some of the questions that inspired the idea of the conference.

      We would like to explore the phenomenon of postmemory in its multifarious manifestations: psychological, social, historical, cultural, philosophical, religious, economic, political, and many others. As usual, we also want to devote considerable attention to how these phenomena appears in artistic practices: literature, film, theatre or visual arts. That is why we invite researchers representing various academic disciplines: anthropology, history, psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, politics, philosophy, economics, law, literary studies, theatre studies, film studies, memory studies, migration studies, consciousness studies, dream studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, medical sciences, cognitive sciences, and urban studies, to name a few.

  Different forms of presentations are encouraged, including case studies, theoretical inquiries, problem-oriented arguments or comparative analyses.

  We will be happy to hear from both experienced scholars and young academics at the start of their careers, as well as doctoral and graduate students.

      We also invite all persons interested in participating in the conference as listeners, without giving a presentation.

  Our repertoire of suggested topics includes but is not restricted to:

I.  Individual experiences:

  • Postmemory and trauma

  • Postmemory and recovery

  • Postmemory and imagination

  • Postmemory and artefacts

  • Postmemory and personal memories

II.  Collective experiences

  • Postmemory and its sources

  • Postmemory and mythology

  • Generational postmemory

  • Postmemory and social non-acceptance

  • Postmemory and solidarity

  • Postmemory and territory


III.  Remembering and Forgetting

  • Postmemory and forced forgetting

  • Postmemory and forced remembering

  • Teaching postmemory

  • Negotiating postmemory

  • Studying postmemory

  • Forgetting/remembering for recovery

  • Postmemory and its purpose

  • Postmemory and allegiances 


IV.  Representations

  • Testimonies and memories

  • Genres of Postmemory

  • Postmemory in literature

  • Postmemory in film

  • Postmemory in theatre

  • Postmemory in visual arts

  • Creating as experience

  • Postmemory and urban planning

  • Postmemory and urban art

  • Rural Postmemory

  • Postmemory in the nature

  • Materialism of postmemory

  • Nonhuman postmemory


V.  Feelings and Practices

  • Sadness of postmemory

  • Fear of postmemory

  • Postmemory and nostalgia

  • Postmemory and grief

  • Postmemory and loneliness

  • Postmemory and change

  • Living postmemory

  • Rituals of postmemory


VI.  Institutionalization

  • Postmemory and nation-state

  • Postmemory and identity politics

  • Postmemory and ideology

  • Postmemory and religion

  • Postmemory and punishment systems

  • Postmemory and army

  • Postmemory and school

  • Postmemory and museums

  • Monuments of postmemory

  • Sites and cities of postmemory

  • Economy of postmemory

  • Language of postmemory


VII.  The Contemporary World

  • Postmemory and postcomunism

  • Postcolonialism, decolonization and postmemory

  • Neoliberalism and postmemory

  • Postmemory and migration

  • Postmemory and globalization

  • Postmemory and nationalism

  • Postmemory and new media

  • Postmemory and political correctness

  • Postmemory and natural disasters

Please submit abstracts (no longer than 300 words) of your proposed 20-minute presentations, together with a short biographical note, by 7 February 2025 to: conferencememory@gm

All details: 

6th "Postmemory and the Contemporary World" Conference