CFP: Crossings: A Journal of English Studies (Vol. 16)
CALL FOR PAPERSCROSSINGS: A JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES (ISSN 2071-1107; E-ISSN 2958-3179) is inviting scholarly articles for its Volume 16 to be published in 2025. Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025 Crossings: A Journal of English Studies is an annual double-blind peer-reviewed journal of scholarly articles and book reviews. The articles involve, but are not limited to, issues related to language, literature, culture, and pedagogy. It is a discursive platform to critically examine human behavior and communication, and their larger role in society as well as in knowledge production.Contributions should not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Each submission undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process and only those articles recommended by the reviewer will be considered for publication. Reviews may take four to six months to complete after the submission deadline. Crossings does not accept creative writing. However, all decisions regarding final acceptance and rejection remain the prerogative of the Editorial Board. Acceptance letters will be provided on request only after the Editorial Board’s final approval. Manuscript Requirements:
- Must be written in English
- Style: MLA 9 (Literature/Cultural Studies), APA 7 (Applied Linguistics/ Language)
- Must be formatted according to the journal’s style guide
- Must include abstract, text, tables, figure captions, and references in a single .docx file. No PDFs.
- All figures, graphs, and pictures must be in black and white.
- All figures/pictures should be sent individually in .png format with the files named according to corresponding captions in the article
- Abstract should be 150-200 words
- Include up to five keywords
- Use American spelling
- Incorporate all notes into the text or include under a subheading (Notes) before the Works Cited or References page.
- Endnotes and footnotes are strongly discouraged.
- Paper length: 2500-6000 words (limit reconsidered at the discretion of the Editorial Board for exceptional articles)
- Must be professionally edited before submission
Papers requiring extensive editing after acceptance by reviewers will be rejected by the Editorial Board. All papers will be checked for plagiarism and AI-generated content. There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) required for publication in Crossings. When submitting your work, please include a separate cover page with your full name, institutional affiliation, designation, email address, phone number, ORCID, and the title of the article. Hard copies are not required. Submit your article at the Submission portal on the Crossings website: Crossings Website: