Creative Critical Practices: Writing, Reading and Making Theory

deadline for submissions: 
February 3, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Creative Critical Practices Symposium
contact email: 

Blurring the lines between art and scholarship, creative-critical practices combine imaginative production with theoretical analysis and reflection. The creative process itself becomes a method of research, discovery and meaning-making, extending and transforming critical theories. By inhabiting a space between established genres and methodologies, creative-critical practitioners generate hybrid works that provoke new ways of seeing, understanding and engaging with the world.

This one-day, in-person and online symposium invites PGRs to explore the intersection of creative and critical approaches in theory-making. The event aims to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment that promotes non-traditional methodologies and playful engagements with theoretical concepts.


Thursday 6 March 2025

9.30-4PM. Lunch Included.

 Humanities Research Space I.HO20

(and online)

University of Bristol

Keynote Speaker: Dr Delphine Grass, Lancaster University


To consider:

  • Where does our research sit on the creative-critical axis? How do you draw from creative practices to develop your theoretical approach?
  • How can we approach the canon - the 'body of work' - in a creative way?
  • To what extent can autotheoretical practices inform our own research?


Responses do not have centre the ‘I’, but can be an exploration of collective creativity, or theorists you engage with that do theory creatively.

Presenters are encouraged to share works-in-progress, getting creative as we explore the congruities and tensions between artistic and critical thought.

We welcome 10 minute presentations that engage with a wide range of theoretical perspectives, including but not limited to feminist theory, disability studies, postcolonial studies, queer theory, affect theory and translation studies.

There is also the option for you to submit for an ‘open conversation’ panel where you will have the opportunity to share a ‘quick-fire’ 5 minute prompt for an open discussion with conference attendees.

Please email by the 3rd of February 2025.

Please Include:

Your name

Your institution/affiliation

If you will join online or offline

Title of your paper/conversation topic

Your intended presentation formand if it will be part of the 5 minute prompt or 10 minute panel