Aesthetics of the Clinic
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Aesthetics of the Clinic
Recently I, Tawnya Azar (co-editor), posted a request for information on the Writing Studies listserv to solicit information and ideas about hosting a celebration of student writing event in my composition program. After a long search for published research or essays on student writing events, I was finding very little and hoped I would at least get a few additional recommendations for published works on the subject. Instead many faculty and program heads contacted me with generous, detailed descriptions of student writing events they previously ran or currently run, and I was struck by the diversity and potential impact of these events on campus communities.
Call for Papers
IABA European Conference
Life Writing, and Social Transformation
July 23 to 26, 2025
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Call for papers until 15 January 2025
We are pleased to announce that the next IABA Europe Conference will be held at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra in partnership with the Centre for Social Studies, 23-26 July 2025. We invite proposals for individual papers or panels of 3-4 papers as well as round-table suggestions on the theme of the Conference: “Life Writing and Social Transformation”.
Two-Day International Conclave (in Blended Mode)
“Transcultural Linguistic, Literary & Cultural Aspects of the Indian Knowledge System (IKS)” [15-16 February, 2025]
Organized by Centre for Foreign Languages, Bankura University
Despite its status as one of cinema’s most enduring and popular genres, complete with a rich history of narrative tropes, aesthetic conventions and character types, the sports film is more frequently analysed as a vehicle for the on-screen representation of sport than a distinct film genre. The representation of sport may be an identifying feature of the sports film, but in the way that horses are an identifying feature of westerns: a key part, to be sure, but film criticism would be much poorer if it elided the complexity of John Wayne’s performance in The Searchers to focus on the horse he rode. We seek abstracts for an edited collection reflecting the depth and breadth of the sports film as genre.
We invite conference proposals for the University of Connecticut First-Year Writing Program’s Conference on the Teaching of Writing, taking place in Storrs on Thursday, April 24th and Friday, April 25th, 2025. Proposal submissions are due on Saturday, February 1st, 2025, and can be submitted through this form.
Blurring the lines between art and scholarship, creative-critical practices combine imaginative production with theoretical analysis and reflection. The creative process itself becomes a method of research, discovery and meaning-making, extending and transforming critical theories. By inhabiting a space between established genres and methodologies, creative-critical practitioners generate hybrid works that provoke new ways of seeing, understanding and engaging with the world.
The crafts of India are varied and illustrate the economy, history, culture, religious beliefs, politics, material culture, societal formations and creative faculties of a civilization. The craftsmanship of many states of India reflects diverse cultural influences and has a significant narrative relating to its origins. For ages, crafts have served as an archive of culture and heritage in various communities in India. Every state of India narrates its tales of handicrafts. The wonderful artistry of handcrafted artifacts, the traditions woven in time, get eroded by automation and accuracy, which draw us towards the ‘sophistication’ of repetitive mass production in a capitalist society.