Latina/o/x Literature and Culture Society, ALA, Boston, MA, May 21-24, 2025

deadline for submissions: 
January 30, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Latina/o/x Literature and Culture Society / American Literature Association
contact email: 

This year the Latina/o/x Literature & Culture Society welcomes submissions focusing on diverse topics including literary genre, single authors, children’s literature, speculative fiction, comparative analyses, as well as cultural studies approaches. The society also encourages a variety of theoretical and interdisciplinary prisms, and a variety of panel types, including traditional paper sessions, roundtable discussions, and sessions dedicated to the teaching of Latina/o/x literature and culture.

In light of the recent publication of Latino Poetry: The Library of America Anthology, edited by Rigoberto González, we welcome submissions that feature critical engagements with Latina/o/x poetry/poetics. Further, given the conference’s location in Boston, Massachusetts, we also encourage the submission of proposals that center Latina/o/x experiences in New England and the Northeastern U.S. more broadly. Topics may include:

  • Brujas, witchcraft, the occult
  • New England and regional Latinidades
  • Latinx narratives of traveling in or through New England
  • Re/Imaginings of New England in Latinx literature
  • Space, place, and race in Latinx literatures
  • Speculative literature, noir, fantasy, and genre
  • Latinx YA Literatures
  • Pedagogical approaches to Latinx literatures

Topics for proposed sessions are open. In the spirit of community building, the Latina/o/x Literature and Culture Society attempts to build sessions that bring together participants at various stages of their careers.

Please submit proposals for individual papers as well as full panel and roundtable sessions. For individual papers, send a short abstract (150 words) with title, along with institutional affiliation and academic title (if any), and contact information. For panel proposals, send paper titles, and short abstracts for each paper, (150 words), along with institutional affiliation, academic title, and contact information for each panelist and the panel chair.

DEADLINE: January 30, 2025.

Please submit proposals and inquiries to the society chair, Karina A. Vado, via email at

For information about the Latina/o/x Literature and Culture Society, please visit

For more information about the ALA and the conference, including registration information, please visit