Symphonies of Imagination - Issue #4 - Education - Print
The issue’s topic revolves around Education and will challenge our anthropogenic philosophies.
It will be an exploration into what education actually means and what alternative philosophies could replace the current, education is for getting a good job and becoming a productive worker, expanding the economy, to something more holistic, more socially beneficial and more forward thinking.
All of this can be answered with fictional stories, philosophical papers, poems or personal essays.
The Anthropocene has a deficit of philosophy that looks at the world from a different point of view, instead of the one prescribed, centralised, accepted narrative.
Call For Papers - CFP
If you want to write a paper for issue #4 with the topic Education, or if you already have something fitting get in touch with us below. It does not need to be a highly sophisticated analysis that required years of research, you don’t need to be a philosopher in order to have a philosophy.
Symphonies of Imagination is a print magazine that explores the philosophy of the Anthropocene and is published quarterly.