Essay Prize: Philosophy in the Public Sphere

deadline for submissions: 
June 1, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Revue Internationale de Philosophie

Submissions are invited for the Revue internationale de philosophie’s newly established essay prize. The topic of this year’s prize is “Philosophy in the Public Sphere”.

In line with the journal’s generalist focus, the theme is to be understood very broadly, with submissions from any area or aspect of philosophy and its history, in any philosophical tradition. The relationship between philosophy and the public sphere has been an enduring and diverse one, whether one thinks of the Popularphilosophie of the eighteenth century, debates over the “right to philosophy” (Derrida), or the growing interest in recent years in “public philosophy,” or philosophie de terrain in the French-speaking world. Topics proposed may include, but are no means limited to: philosophy and the climate crisis; philosophy and new media; philosophy and policy-making; “sites” of philosophy (the school, the prison, the classroom, etc.); philosophy and popular culture; changing concepts of the public sphere; philosophy and technology; etc.

The winning article, together with a selection of other articles submitted for the prize, will be published in a special issue of the journal. The author of the winning essay will receive a prize sum of €2000. Exceptionally, the prize may be awarded jointly, in which case the prize money will be split.

Further details:

  • Essays must be submitted in English or French;

  • Essays must be of not more than 8,000 words in total, including footnotes. The essay should be accompanied by an abstract of 200 words and a bibliography, neither of which are included in the word count.
    • Submittedessaysmustnotbeunderconsiderationelsewhere.Authorsareaskedtoindicateintheir submission whether they wish their article to be considered for the special issue.

The deadline for submission is 1 June 2025. Essays should be submitted in a fully anonymized Word document to the following address: Please include “RIP Essay Prize” in the subject line of your email. Additional enquiries concerning the essay prize should be sent to this address.
The prize will be judged by a panel of members of the journal’s editorial committee, with external opinion where needed. Results will be announced in summer 2025.
