ATHE - Religion and Theater
Call For Papers
Religion & Theatre Focus Group – Emerging Scholars Panel
Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) 2025 Conference
This years conference is virtual
July 28 – Aug. 1, 2025 General Conference
The ATHE Religion and Theatre Focus group invites current graduate students and/or independent scholars who have not presented at a major national conference to submit papers for the 2025 Emerging Scholars Panel.
The 2025 Conference Theme:
The Real
The binary opposition between “real” and “virtual” is ever more outdated and unnecessary. Theatre and performance has always been both real and representation. ATHE 2025: The Real invites us to consider the real effects of a virtual conference.
In surveys, formal and informal conversations at conferences, town halls and business meetings, members have asked that ATHE hold a virtual conference.
The General Conference will be an opportunity to capitalize on the opportunities offered by online conferencing (and enjoy its financial benefits). Priority will be given to sessions that can engage members virtually in creative and innovative ways, take advantage of the virtual format, and explore the intricate interplay between virtual, real and hybrid worlds in theater, performance scholarship and academy.
ATHE’s Religion and Theater Focus Group is focusing on the theme “Real Faith”. We seek scholarly and artistic interventions into this theme. Possible topics include: the reality of faith, faith as a response to the “real” world, and real connections between faith and action (see our main CFP for proposals or more information).
Submission Guidelines:
*Papers should be approximately 8 – 10 pages in length
*Please include a cover page with your name, paper title, institutional affiliation, contact information, and a brief abstract (no more than 250 words), Please remove your name from the body of the submission, as it will go through a blind vetting process
*Please send your paper, bio and cover page in one word document by April 11, 2025 to Karen DeMasters at (PLEASE NOTE: While completed papers are preferred, in the case of extenuating circumstances, abstracts may also be accepted.)
For more information about the 2025 conference, please visit Contact the conference planner, Karen DeMasters, with any questions or concerns at the e-mail address above. We look forward to reading your submissions.