What's Love Got to Do With It?: Shakespeare and Ovidian Violence (MLA 2013, Boston)

full name / name of organization: 
John Garrison / Kyle Pivetti

For a proposed session at the 2013 MLA conference, we seek papers that offer new thinking about Shakespeare's relationship to Ovid.

For example, how does Ovid influence Shakespeare's visions of gender? How is desire manifested in Ovidian violence, whether on Shakespeare's stage or in his poems? How do modern adaptations of either author's work ask us to rethink the relationship between Shakespeare and Ovid? Can Shakespeare's classical sources help us understand the linkages between gender, love, and brutality in his plays and poems? How do Ovid's mythical or poetic paradigms for transformation, desire, and transgression resonate in scenes of Shakespearean violence?

Please send a 500-word abstract and a brief biographical statement to kpivetti@csbsju.edu or jgarriso@carrollu.edu by March 1, 2012.