CFP: New England ASA 2013 Conference, "Repression, Rebellion, and Representation" (9/27-28/2013)

full name / name of organization: 
New England American Studies Association

Call for Papers
New England American Studies Association 2013 Conference
Mashantucket, Connecticut
Sept 27th – 28th

Repression, Rebellion, and Representation: Cultural Challenges in New England and Beyond

The Mashantucket Pequot Reservation, established in 1666, is one of the oldest continuously occupied reservations in the United States. The reservation's history of land loss and the reacquisition of lost land by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation two hundred years later are emblematic of challenges faced by indigenous and minority cultures and also representative of the ways in which indigenous and minority groups challenge hegemonic culture. From the coerced assimilation of Native persons, to searches for religious freedom, the development of free and enslaved African American communities during slavery, the arrival of European ethnic groups, Latino groups, and more contemporary identity politics, New England represents a microcosm of larger North American and now global cultural challenges. These challenges often manifest in the form of repression of non-dominant norms and ideals, rebellion against dominant ideals, and conflict over the representation of indigenous and minority identities in past and present cultural landscapes.

NEASA invites proposals for the 2013 conference, Cultural Challenges in New England, which will combine scholarly, community, and/or artistic investigation of sociocultural, political, economic, and gendered discourses on cultural challenges. There will be a series of panels, workshops, and participatory forums for exploration of these cultural challenges. We also welcome submissions from educators, curators, public historians, and creative artists. In addition to individual paper proposals, we also welcome submissions for roundtable discussions, hands-on workshops, and multimedia sessions including film screenings, online presentations, and lightning shorts.

Proposals should include a 250-word abstract and title, as well as the author's name, address (including email), and institutional or professional affiliation. For panel proposals, please include contact information for all participants, as well as a brief (no more than two page) description of the session topic and format. Submit proposals by April 20th, 2013 to Proposals or queries may also be sent to:

Akeia Benard, NEASA co-President
Wheelock College
200 The Riverway
Boston, MA 02215

For more information about the conference and NEASA, including an expanded Call for Papers, please visit