gender studies and sexuality

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CFP: Gender: SW/Texas PCA/ACA (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 9:27pm
gypsey elaine teague

This is a general call for papers for the 2006 SW/Texas Regional
Conference of the American Popular Culture/American Culture Association.
The general topic this year will be the Conflict between the Genders in
Communication and Action, however, all gender subjects will be accepted
and presented. The deadline for abstracts is November. The conference
will be held at the Albq Hyatt Regency Hotel February 8-11. This is a
laid back conference with a lot of history and scenery in the area for
after conference activity and we always experience a wide variety of
papers in all subjects. For more informatin of PCA SW/Texas please see

CFP: Women, Representation, and Space in Contemporary Literature (7/15/05; collection)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 9:26pm

I am seeking submissions to complete a volume on women, representation
and space in 19th and 20th century literature written in English. While
the main focus of the volume is women's metaphorical appropriation and
subvertion of public and private spaces since the beginning of the 19th
century until today, this call for papers in particular seeks essays on
contemporary women writers appropriating, negotiating and/or
deconstructing public/private spaces. I am especially interested in
essays that question the simplistic binary divide between public and
private spaces, and essays dealing with the trope of the flâneuse in the
postmodern city. Proposals on little explored authors such as Tama

CFP: Re-gendering the Male Homosexual in Post-Wildean British Literature (9/15/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 9:26pm
Damion Clark

Call for Papers for a Panel entitled: ³Re-gendering the Male Homosexual in
Post-Wildean British Literature² at the NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language
Association) Convention, March 2-5, 2006, Philadelphia, PA
Using the pioneering work of Joseph Bristow¹s Effeminate England and Alan
Sinfield¹s The Wilde Century as starting points, this panel seeks to examine
the gendering of male homosexuality in post-Oscar Wilde, post-Labouchére
amendment, post-Cleveland Street scandal, post-Boulton and Park scandal
British literature (1895-2005). The confluence of the above events
solidified the cultural gendering of the male homosexual as effeminate, a

CFP: African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th Century: Intersections and Parallels (1/15/06; SSAWW,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 7:52pm

Dear colleagues,
Please note the following special session proposal for the third Society for the
Study of American Women Writers Conference (8-10 November, 2006, Philadelphia)

African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th Century:
Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited exploring contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century; comparative,
historical,and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and Of
the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/15/06.

CFP: My Life at the Gym: Feminist Perspective on Community through the Body (9/5/05; collection)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 7:52pm
Jo Malin

For an Edited Collection tentatively entitled
My Life at the Gym: Feminist Perspectives on Community through the Body
 Editor seeks personal narratives, theoretical essays, poetry, or
fictional accounts for anthology. The collection will treat women
kinesthetically experiencing the body with other women, such as in
aerobics classes, weight training, dance, running and singing. Focus is
on non-competitive, non-sport connection and the company of women.
Humorous perceptions and analyses definitely welcome.
Abstracts (250-300 words) due September 5, 2005.
Please send any inquiries and abstracts to:
Jo Malin (SUNY-Binghamton)

CFP: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers (9/30/05; BWWC, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 7:51pm
Lisa Hager

The 14th Annual
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Conference
March 23-26, 2006
The University of Florida

Call for Papers

This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and canons.

We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia
Schaffer (CUNY-Queens College), Carolyn Steedman (University of
Warwick), and Lynne Vallone (Texas A&M University).

We encourage proposals focusing on but not limited to:

UPDATE: Queer Theatre in Britain: American Influences (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 7:51pm

Further to the call for chapters (pasted below) we now need critics to
undertake to write chapters on the influence of American theatre on British
queer theatre. Topics to be covered
Split Britches; Angels in America etc; Cafe la Mama
Please contact me as below=E2=80=A6=20
(previous call)
Alternatives Within the Mainstream II: Queer Theatre in Postwar Britain
Critics are invited to write chapters for a critical study of contemporary
British post-war queer theatre. The focus is on bi, trans, gay, lesbian
identities as represented on the British stage. Keeping in mind that queer
identities are fluid and always in a state of flux, defying definitions

CFP: Recovering Beat Women Writers (10/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Friday, June 10, 2005 - 5:34am
Skerl, Jennie

Call for abstracts for a proposed panel on "Recovering Beat Women
Writers" for the Society for the Study of American Women Writers
Conference to be held in Philadelphia on November 8-11, 2006.
Proposals are requested for a panel on women writers affiliated with the
Beat Generation focusing on individual authors, feminist/cultural
studies considerations of women in this mid-20th-century bohemian
milieu, or issues in the ongoing recovery project. Send brief abstracts
(1-3 pages) by October 10, 2005, to Dr. Jennie Skerl, 1502 Weatherstone
Dr., Paoli, PA 19301. Note: This panel has not yet been approved by
the conference committee; however, SSAWW says that pre-organized

CFP: Rebecca Rush and Her Contemporaries (10/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Friday, June 10, 2005 - 5:34am

Title: Rebecca Rush and Her Contemporaries
Proposed Panel for the SSAWW (Society of the Study of American Women Writers) Conference
Abstract deadline: October 10, 2005
Conference: November 8-11, 2006 in Philadelphia

This proposed session for the 2006 SSAWW conference will focus on the
novels of Rebecca Rush (KELROY, 1812) and her contemporaries (Hannah
Webster Foster, Susanna Rowson, Tabitha Tenney, and others). Scholars from
various disciplines are invited to submit 250-500 word abstracts and
brief CVs. Please send email submissions to Ann Beebe at the University
of Texas at Tyler. (

CFP: Women in Judaism (Australia) (9/12/05; 2/12/06-2/13/06)

Monday, June 6, 2005 - 8:31pm
Dr. Dvir Abramovich

Australian Association of Jewish Studies

18th CONFERENCE, 12th -13th February 2006,






Melbourne 3010 Victoria


Call for papers. The Australian Association of Jewish Studies is pleased to
issue this call for papers to be presented at its 18th annual conference,
which will be convened at The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
on 12-13 February 2006.

CFP: Women and American Nations (11/11/05; 3/10/06-3/11/06)

Monday, June 6, 2005 - 8:31pm
douglas boudreau

The First Mercyhurst Colloquium on the Americas

Topic: Women in the Construction of American Nations

Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania
March 10-11, 2006

We are soliciting papers from any discipline on topics related to women and nation-building and/or the construction/ revision/ promotion/ preservation/ transgression of national identity/ies in the Americas (including South, Central and North America, as well as the Caribbean). The word "nation" is understood as referring to any cultural, ethnic, and racial group that defines itself as a nation as well as to nation-states.

CFP: Mothering in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Literature (9/5/05; collection)

Monday, June 6, 2005 - 8:31pm
Elizabeth Podnieks

CFP: Mothering in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Literature

(09/05/2005; collection)

For an Edited Collection tentatively entitled

Textual Mothers, Maternal Texts:

Representations of Mothering in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century

edited by Andrea O'Reilly and Elizabeth Podnieks

The book is under contract with Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

We are seeking essays on the topic of Motherhood in Women's Literature
from the 20th and 21st Centuries. We welcome submissions on Fiction,
Poetry, Drama, and Life Writing (Diary, Memoir, Autobiography,

CFP: Regional Mothers and Motherhood (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 2:04pm
Lisa Bernstein

College English Association National Conference: Reading the Regions /
Writing the Regions / Teaching the Regions
San Antonio, Texas, April 6-8, 2006

Deadline for all proposals: October 15, 2005

I am coordinating a set of panels on the topic of "Regional Mothers and
Motherhood" at the national College English Association conference, for
which I am interested in receiving individual or panel presentation
proposals that address ways in which art, film, literature, and other
media have used the figure of the mother to define, represent,
reinscribe, cross, blur, deconstruct, or transgress geographical,
historical, cultural, and/or ideological regions.

CFP: Identity and Marginality (grad and postdoc) (7/25/05; e-journal issue)

Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 2:03pm
Gunnar Fabian Schuppert

eSharp is the University of Glasgow's open-access online journal for
postgraduates in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Run by
postgraduates, it aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into
the realm of academic publishing for emerging academics, including
postgraduates and recent postdoctoral students, the world over.
After the successful launch of our fourth issue, on 'Journeys of
Discovery', eSharp is delighted to announce the Call for Papers for
the forthcoming issue, on 'Identity and Marginality'. Please forward
the attached Call for Papers and help us to spread the word. eSharp is
very grateful for your help and support. In case you have any

CFP: Tessera: Languages in Feminist and Queer Thought (8/30/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm
Anne Martine Parent

Call for papers

Tessera considers only submissions made in response to our calls for papers.
We invite contributions in English and/or French of texts both verbal and
visual. We encourage play along borders, especially crossings of the
boundary between creative and theoretical texts. Please send three hard
copies on which your name does not appear. Include a short summary of the
piece and a separate brief biographical note (with your postal and email
address). Manuscripts will not be returned.

CFP: Violence Among Women (7/1/05; e-journal)

Monday, May 16, 2005 - 3:43pm
Thomas Philbeck

Submission Deadline : July 1st
Publication decisions will be made by September 1st
In many modern and contemporary narrative acts of psychological and physical violence among women, violence has been interpreted and presented in terms of Freudian envy, spaces for male pleasure, negotiating conflicts in a male world, biological determinism (the over protective mother), or as non-existent, i.e. created by males (women are peacemakers and nurturers, neither inherently violent nor evil) etc.

CFP: Renaissance Girls (5/19/05; RSA, 3/23/06-3/25/06)

Monday, May 16, 2005 - 3:43pm
Jennifer K Higginbotham

Proposed Panel: Renaissance Girls
Renaissance Society of America Conference
San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006

We are looking for one paper that addresses the topic of Renaissance
girls for a proposed panel at the 2006 Renaissance Society of America
Conference. Proposals are welcome from all disciplines and need not be
limited to England.

The panel aims to bring together the emerging field of Girls Studies with
the burgeoning scholary interest in Renaissance childhood. What was the
place of female children in Renaissance culture and society? How were
they represented in literature, drama, and art? And how did girlhood
compare to boyhood?

CFP: Gender, Sexuality and Time in Renaissance England (5/20/05; RSA, 3/23/06-25/06)

Sunday, May 8, 2005 - 1:16pm

Call for Paper Proposals for Proposed Panel "Gender, Sexuality and Time in
Renaissance England" at the Renaissance Society of America's 2006 meeting in
San Francisco
Recently, feminist and queer theorists have attempted to reconsider the
politics of time. Most of these critical interventions, however, have been based
in 19th and 20th-century understandings of time. This panel will consider
intersections of gender, sexuality and time in 16th and 17th-century England
in an effort to add an early modern perspective to some of these discussions.
Papers on particular texts, authors and genres, as well as broader
explorations of temporal and historical thinking and practices are all welcome.

CFP: Josephine Preston Peabody and Amy Lowell (1/12/06; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 3:00pm
Susan M. Stone

Turning the Century: Josephine Preston Peabody and Amy Lowell

Papers are invited for a panel at the 2006 Society for the Study of
American Women Writers Meeting. These essays should explore the plays,
criticism, or poetry of either or both authors, focusing on anti-war
sentiment, women's rights, social activism, lesbianism, imagism,
environmentalism, "Boston Marriages," etc. Submissions might also
examine their friendship, letters, and/or mutual mentoring. Please send
abstracts to Susan Stone, Loras College, (, by
January 12th, 2006.

UPDATE: Philament: XXX (5/13/05; online journal)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 2:58pm

XXX deadline extended!

From: Philament <>
Date: April 25, 2005
UPDATE: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts
New Deadline: May 13, 2005 (critique, commentary, and creative writing for
online journal)

Philament, the online journal of cultural studies and literary arts affiliated
with the University of Sydney
(, invites postgraduate
scholars to contribute articles, reviews, and creative work to its upcoming
issue entitled XXX.

CFP: Cultural Conflict and Women (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 2:58pm
James Brian Wagaman



April 12 - 16, 2006 Atlanta, Georgia. The national PCA/ACA conference will
be held at the beautiful Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel.

Deadline for Paper/Panel Proposals: November 1, 2005. Be There!

CFP: Early Modern Queer Alliances (5/15/05; RSA, 3/23/06-3/25/06)

Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 3:04pm
Penelope Anderson

Proposed Panel: The Social Work of Same-Sex Alliances
in the Early Modern Period

Alan Bray’s _The Friend_ has sparked a great deal of
discussion about the ways in which same-sex alliances
fit within, and signify to, larger social, political,
or cultural formations. For a proposed panel at RSA
2006, in San Francisco, we invite papers that consider
same-sex associations and representations under the
shelter of, or in tension with, other allegiances: to
marriage, to patron, to genre, to nation, or to
politics, to name only a few possibilities.
