gender studies and sexuality

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CFP: Toilet Papers: The Gendered Construction of Public Toilets (1/15/06; collection)

Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 3:03pm
Olga Gershenson

Call for Papers

Toilet Papers: The Gendered Construction of Public Toilets


Olga Gershenson (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)

Barbara Penner (University College-London)

"You know what they say about men who hang around women's lavatories.
They're asking to have their illusions shattered."

- Georgina to Albert, The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover

We invite contributions for the edited collection Toilet Papers: The
Gendered Construction of Public Toilets.

CFP: Queer Intersections: Revisiting Online Media and Queer Sexualities (7/1/05; collection)

Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 3:03pm
O''Riordan, Kate

Call for Chapters (edited book)

Queer Intersections: Revisiting online media and queer sexualities
Edited by Kate O'Riordan and David J Philips

This edited collection will bring together crucial examinations of the intersecting fields of sexuality and the internet, and will provide an overarching contextualisation and consolidation of cyber/queer practices and theories.

CFP: A History of Sexual Perversion 1650-1850 (6/1/05; collection)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 1:19pm
Julie Peakman


 Contributors are sought for a new book on 'A History of Sexual
Perversion 1650-1850'. We specifically seek articles within the boundaries
of history of sexuality which examine so-called sexual 'perversions'; this
might include any sexual behaviour which was considered 'abnormal' for
its time and would include certain heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian,
transgender, transvestite etc. practices; and why was such behaviour was
seen as 'abnormal', 'perverse' or threatening; subjects for discussion
might be considered include bestiality, flagellation, sex with children,
fetishes, sado-masochism etc.

CFP: Smart Women and Popular Culture (9/1/05; anthology)

Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 9:26pm
Sherrie Inness

>I thought that some people on this list serv might be interested in
>this new publishing opportunity. Please forward this CFP to others
>who could be interested.
>Thank you,
>Sherrie A. Inness
>Professor of English
Miami University

CFP: Queer Theatre in Britain (no deadline noted; collection)

Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 9:26pm

Alternatives Within the Mainstream II: Queer Theatre in Britain

Critics are invited to write chapters for a critical study of contemporary
British post-war queer theatre. The focus is on bi, trans, gay, lesbian
identities as represented on the British stage. Keeping in mind that queer
identities are fluid and always in a state of flux, defying definitions and
binary oppositions, articles are invited which examine these identities
as represented in British drama since 1950.

CFP: Gendered Violence in the Media (7/15/05; collection)

Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 9:25pm
Lisa Cuklanz

Submissions are sought for a volume on Gendered Violence in the Media to be edited by Sujata Moorti and Lisa Cuklanz. Femininst/women's studies approaches are preferred. Topics may include but are not limited to: representations of sexual assault, rape, harassment and verbal abuse in genres of television and film; news coverage of issues, persons, trials, or cases related to gendered violence; shifts in the landscape of media representation of these issues; global topics including trafficking, slavery, and rape in war; other understandings of gendered violence such as pornography, sexual objectification, and graphic humor.

CFP: Anthology on Sex and Disability (7/1/05; collection)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 1:22am
Anna Mollow

Call For Abstracts: Anthology on Sex and Disability


           Disability and sex come together in multiple ways. In the
popular imagination, however, the terms "sex" and "disability" are, if not
antithetical, then certainly incongruous. To many, the idea of people with
disabilities as sexual or sexy remains largely unthinkable. We are
soliciting proposals for a cultural studies anthology of essays that will
challenge such conceptions, examining, revising, and extending the myriad
ways that disability and sex intersect.


CFP: Narratives in English by Women Explorers and Travellers 1700-1940 (France) (9/15/05; 2/3/06-2/4/06)

Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 12:10am

CFP: Narratives in English by Women Explorers and Travellers 1700-1940
(France) (9/15/05; 2/3/06-2/4/06)

FEBRUARY 3-4, 2006

    While 18th and 19th century women were usually confined to the domestic
and national spheres some women indulged their dreams and travelled to
unexplored territories: their journeys to the Orient (Lady Montagu, Lady
Blunt, Gertrude Bell, Amelia Edwards, Freya Stark), to India (Emily Eden,
Fanny Parks), to America (Isabella Bird, Clara Bromley, France Trollope), to
Africa (Mary Kingsley) or to Australia (Daisy Bates) gave rise to

CFP: Marie Corelli and Popular Women Novelists 1880-1910 (UK) (7/31/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 12:10am
Irene Rose

Suitable for the Boudoir and the Circulating Library:

Marie Corelli and Popular Women Novelists 1880-1910


30th March – 1st April 2006

Hosted by

University of Birmingham, Liverpool John Moores University

Association for Research in Popular Fictions


To be held at Mason Croft, Shakespeare Institute

Stratford Upon Avon, England


Call for Papers – Deadline July 1st


CFP: Humans and the Environment (8/20/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 5:21pm

Atenea, a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and
social sciences, features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and
poetry. URL:

The editorial board invites submissions for publication for a special
edition (June 2006) on "Humans and the Environment."
Essays may address a wide variety of topics related to environmental
discourse including (but not limited to) ecocriticism and ecofeminism as
well as the intersection of environmental issues with literature, politics,
postcolonialism, gender, globalization, Marxism, food, and animal rights.

UPDATE: Ill-uminating Gender: Gender and Disease (6/15/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 5:21pm
Astrid Recker

UPDATE: Ill-uminating Gender: Gender and Disease
(extended Deadline: 06/15/2005, journal issue)
Editor: Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier

The online journal Gender Forum (;
affiliation: University of Cologne, Germany), invites scholars to contribute
target articles to its upcoming issue on gender and disease. We particularly
welcome contributions from the field of medical research.

CFP: Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace (1/15/06; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 1:56pm
Earl Yarington

Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace

We invite papers on any aspect of popular nineteenth-century women
writers and the literary marketplace for a round-table discussion for
the Society for the Study of American Women Writers third conference to
be held in Philadelphia from November 8-11, 2006. Of particular
interest though, is how the marketplace influenced women writers'
creations (writer/editor relationship, author/audience, author/other
writers). Please send 200 word abstracts to Earl Yarington
( within an email message by 1/15/06.

CFP: Comparatively Queer: Crossing Time, Crossing Cultures (6/15/05; collection)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 12:42am
Higonnet, Margaret

Title: "Comparatively Queer: Crossing Time, Crossing Cultures"

This collection seeks to queer the field of comparative studies as well as
demonstrate how a comparative component might be considered central to
"queering queer studies" itself. Papers are therefore sought that take a
comparative approach to queer projects by interrogating the usual national
limits of study as well as the nexus of comparison where traditional boundaries
break down. Especially welcome will be work that crosses historical periods,
cultures, and linguistic contexts.

UPDATE: Thresholds: Unlocking Intimacies (4/18/05; journal issue)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 12:41am
Sean Michael Dummitt

Deadline extended:

Call for Papers
a journal of social theory
Issue 15: Intimacy

In recent years, scholars from a broad range of disciplines have engaged the issue of intimacy. From these various efforts, at least one fact is clear: There is not one intimacy, but many. How do we describe these intimacies, and what complicates our descriptions? Intimacy is not simply synonymous with love, but it is different from friendship, and often quite different from sex. Or is it? Moreover, once we have discovered what intimacy is, where do we find it: in communities and nations, between or among friends, between or among lovers? How is intimacy negotiated and produced, maintained, or, often, lost?

CFP: Trangression/Transcendence in Cyberspace (5/1/05; journal issue)

Friday, March 4, 2005 - 3:31pm
Jill LeRoy-Frazier


Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously
unpublished essays and original works of fiction,
poetry, and hypertext for an upcoming special issue,
"Digital Eves: Transgression/ Transcendence in
Cyberspace." Women Writers: A Zine is a digital,
peer-reviewed publication that features creative work
by women writers as well as scholarship on any aspect
of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist
scholarship. See the journal's Website at for more information.

CFP: Black Gay Men's Anthology (3/15/05; anthology)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:45am
F. Leon Roberts

CFP: BLACK GAY MEN'S ANTHOLOGY (3/18/05;6.15.05)

Published by the New York State Black Gay Network, Institute for Gay
Men's Health (AIDS Project Los Angeles & Gay Men's Health Crisis);
Black AIDS Institute and The National Black Justice Coalition

Co-edited by Frank Leon Roberts and Marvin K. White

UPDATE: General Feminist Academic Writing (2/21/05; e-journal)

Friday, February 11, 2005 - 8:40am
Lynda L. Hinkle

Meowpower ( is extending its deadline for the March
issue to February 21 and is making three types of calls:

1. General call for high quality academic writing on feminist issues for
our peer-reviewed quarterly journal. Submissions should be between 500-3000

2. Personal narratives about education....learning and/or teaching....and
how it relates to gender. 500-1000 words.

CFP: Postcolonial Meets Queer Theory (4/1/05; collection)

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 10:50pm
Aydemir, M.

Call for Papers=20

Editor: Murat Aydemir
Book Series: Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex, and 'Race'
Publisher: Rodopi (Amsterdam/New York)
Series Editor: Ernst van Alphen
Deadline for Proposals: April 1, 2005
