twentieth century and beyond

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CFP: Central and South American Children's Literature (9/1/06; journal issue)

Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 9:26pm
Elizabeth Pandolfo Briggs

_The Looking Glass_ invites scholarly submissions for the following
special topic to be highlighted in "Alice's Academy", its scholarly
refereed section:

Central and South American Children's Literature
Deadline for Submissions: 1 September 2006
Publication Date: January 2007

CFP: Magic Realism in Children's Literature (9/1/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 1:11am
Elizabeth Pandolfo Briggs

_The Looking Glass_ invites scholarly submissions for the following
special topic to be highlighted in "Alice's Academy", its scholarly
refereed section:
Magic Realism in Children's Literature
Submission Deadline: 1 September 2005
Publication Date: January 2006
Articles are welcome on any critical or theoretical aspect of magic
realism in children's literature. Please see for submission
guidelines and editorial policies.

UPDATE: International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (5/1/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 1:10am
Suzanne Ferriss

Call for Papers (July issue deadline: May 1, 2005)

The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (IJMS) is dedicated to the
study and discussion of motorcycling culture in all its forms and from all
over the world-including moped/scooter, street and racetrack, and
off-road/dirt bikes as well as every aspect of motorcycle culture past,
present and future. We hope the journal provides further opportunities to
explore these issues. The inaugural issue was published online in March,

We welcome submissions on all areas related to the cultural phenomenon of
motorcycling from not only academics but all members of the motorcycling
community or those interested in motorcycling.

CFP: Narratives in English by Women Explorers and Travellers 1700-1940 (France) (9/15/05; 2/3/06-2/4/06)

Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 12:10am

CFP: Narratives in English by Women Explorers and Travellers 1700-1940
(France) (9/15/05; 2/3/06-2/4/06)

FEBRUARY 3-4, 2006

    While 18th and 19th century women were usually confined to the domestic
and national spheres some women indulged their dreams and travelled to
unexplored territories: their journeys to the Orient (Lady Montagu, Lady
Blunt, Gertrude Bell, Amelia Edwards, Freya Stark), to India (Emily Eden,
Fanny Parks), to America (Isabella Bird, Clara Bromley, France Trollope), to
Africa (Mary Kingsley) or to Australia (Daisy Bates) gave rise to

CFP: Marie Corelli and Popular Women Novelists 1880-1910 (UK) (7/31/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 12:10am
Irene Rose

Suitable for the Boudoir and the Circulating Library:

Marie Corelli and Popular Women Novelists 1880-1910


30th March – 1st April 2006

Hosted by

University of Birmingham, Liverpool John Moores University

Association for Research in Popular Fictions


To be held at Mason Croft, Shakespeare Institute

Stratford Upon Avon, England


Call for Papers – Deadline July 1st


UPDATE: Mester: General Issue (4/15/05; journal issue)

Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 12:10am


Due to the dates of Spring Break, the deadline for submissions for M E S T
ER 2005 Call for Papers has been extended to April 15, 2005.



2005 Call for Papers, General Issue


Mester, the yearly graduate student academic journal of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, seeks articles for its upcoming general
issue to be published in June 2005.


CFP: Panel on Mark Strand (4/25/05; AWP, 3/8/06-3/11/06)

Sunday, April 3, 2005 - 8:25pm
Nicholas Boone

Creating a Critical Conversation on Mark Strand

Mark Strand is one of America's best poets, yet little critical work
has been published on Strand's poetry. This panel invites papers that
address any aspect of Strand's poetry from a critical perspective. The
deadline for abstract submissions is April 25, 2005. The AWP conference
will be held in Austin, TX in March 2006.

Please send abstracts (200-500 words), either by email, or snail mail

Dr. Julianna Gray
Haley Center 9030
English Department
Auburn University
Auburn University, AL 36849

CFP: Toni Morrison (9/1/05; journal issue)

Friday, April 1, 2005 - 9:48am
Modern Fiction Studies

Call for Papers for Modern Fiction Studies

      Toni Morrison * Summer 2006
      Deadline for Submission: 1 Sept. 2005

CFP: Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation (2/1/06; collection)

Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 1:57pm
Alexander Gil Fuentes


"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"

Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan

Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

CFP: Religion and Politics (3/15/06; journal issue)

Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 1:56pm
Duane Corpis

Radical History Review invites submissions of abstracts for a forthcoming thematic issue exploring the subject of religion and its historical relations to politics, culture and society. We especially encourage proposals for articles with interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives.

CFP: Anglophone Arab Literature (5/15/05; collection)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 12:41am
Laila Almaleh

CFP. Anglophone Arab Literature. 05/ 15/2005 (collection)

Contributions are invited for a collection of scholarly articles on Anglophone Arab literature (Literature written in English by writers of Arab origin, no translations) which address various aspects of Anglo-Arab writing. Questions pertaining to (though not limited to) issues of identity, ethnicity, hybridity, gender, reception, etc. are encouraged. Creative writing by Anglophone authors (short stories, excerpts from novels, poems, scenes or acts from plays, autobiography) are also most welcome.
Editor: Layla Al Maleh, Associate Professor of English Literature.
visiting scholar, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Email address:

CFP: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siecle (6/17/05; collection)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 12:41am

CFP: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (6/17/05; collection)

Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on
intersections between British, European, and North American literature
and neurology between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on
literature examined in its scientific context, as well as essays
performing literary analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent
as well as established scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of
Britain's leading academic presses has shown strong preliminary interest
in the project.

CFP: British Black & Asian Theatre (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 2:47am

Call for Articles: British Black and Asian Theatre (book)
Critics are invited to write articles on any of the following topics in the
field of British Black and Asian Theatre. (By Asian is meant broadly the
Indian subcontinent).

Close textual and performative readings of:
=B7 The plays of Sol B River
=B7 Dona Daley
=B7 Debbie Tucker Green
=B7 Or any British Black dramatist
=B7 Any British-Asian male dramatist (women writers have been covered)

CFP: AMERICAN@: New Frontiers in US Latino/a Culture and Literature (5/1/05; e-journal issue)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 2:47am

AMERICAN@ is a peer reviewed e-journal dedicated to American Cultural and
Literary Studies. It hopes to provide an intellectual canvas where the
cultural spaces and experiences of American Studies are theorized and
rigorously explored within both global and local contingencies of the present
and the past. A
MERICAN@ is accepting paper submissions for its Spring issue 2005. This issue
will have a special focus on Latino/a Cultural and Literary Sudies.
Papers are expected to deal with recent works by authors of Chicano, Puerto
Rican, Dominican, Cuban, and other Latin American descent as they contribute to
the development of Latino/a literature in the twenty-first century.

CFP: Scottish Literary Journalism in the 21st Century (4/11/05; collection)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 2:46am
Berthold Schoene

"Scottish Literary Journalism in the Twenty-First Century"

I am looking for someone to contribute a chapter on "literary journalism" to THE EDINBURGH
COMPANION TO 21ST-CENTURY LITERATURE. The COMPANION already comprises 45 essays on post-devolution
Scottish writing and related concerns, and is heading for publication by Edinburgh University Press
in 2007. The submission deadline for your 5,000-word essay would be the end of January 2006.

For further information on what exactly is needed, as well as the project as a whole, please
contact me BEFORE 11 April 2005.

Many thanks

Professor Berthold Schoene

UPDATE: Lillian Smith (4/15/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Monday, March 14, 2005 - 4:30am
Claire Pamplin

The original CFP contained a factual error regarding Lillian Smith's
novel. The text below is correct.

Call For Papers: Lillian Smith
Proposed panel -- O'Connor and Other Georgia Writers: A Scholarly
Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA

Deadline for 500-word abstracts: April 15, 2005
Conference Dates: March 30- April 1, 2006

CFP: Conrad's Polish-Ukrainian Footprints (no deadline noted; 6/19/06-6/23/06)

Monday, March 14, 2005 - 4:29am
Wieslaw Krajka

                              CONRAD PROJECT
                              CALL FOR PAPERS

UPDATE: Humor and Baseball (8/15/05; collection)

Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 8:27pm
Jason Paul Steed

The original CFP for this collection had the wrong word count for submissions. The corrected CFP follows:

Shelves and shelves have been filled with scholarly attention to baseball in American history, culture, literature, politics, etc.; likewise, shelves and shelves have been devoted to the study of humor (in American history, culture, literature, politics, etc.). Yet, surprisingly little has been said about the relationship between the two.

Proposed is a collection of new essays on the relationship between humor and baseball (in American history, culture, literature, politics, etc.). Topics might include, but certainly are not limited to:

UPDATE: Mester: General Topics (3/30/05; journal issue)

Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 8:26pm

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Deadline extended to March 13, 2005.
At this point we welcome proposals A GENERAL ISSUE.

2005 Call for Papers, General Issue

Mester, the yearly graduate student academic journal of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, seeks articles for its upcoming general
issue to be published in June 2005.

CFP: Lillian Smith (4/15/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 8:26pm
Claire Pamplin

Call For Papers: Lillian Smith
Proposed panel -- O'Connor and Other Georgia Writers: A Scholarly Conference
Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA

Deadline for 500-word abstracts: April 15, 2005
Conference Dates: March 30- April 1, 2006
