CFP: Hybridity: Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures (1/15/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Dirk Van Hulle
contact email: 

BELL ('Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures') New Series,


The focus of this thematic issue of BELL is the cross-fertilisation
between different regions within the English-speaking community. For a
long time, difference and diversity have been conceptualized in terms of
centre and periphery, focusing on issues of authority in linguistics,
and on the "empire-writes-back"-theme in literature. But it might be
interesting to approach the theme of hybridity from another perspective,
focusing on cross-fertilization. This perspective has both theoretical
and practical consequences. From a linguistic point of view the approach
need not necessarily be confined to the sociolinguistic. From a literary
perspective it may be interesting to investigate how various cultural
identities and current hybridising tendencies invigorate the various
genres in English literature. The aim of this thematic issue of BELL is
to chart these tendencies and assess their importance.

Please send abstracts for the literature section (250 words) to Dirk Van
Hulle ( before 15 January 2005.

The deadline for submission of articles is 15 February 2005.
Length: 8,000 words max., including references.
Please provide a 250-word abstract on a separate page.
Format: Papers must be submitted in strict accordance with the BELL
style sheet, a summary of which can be found on this website:
Refereeing: All articles received are internationally and independently
peer-reviewed in accordance with editorial policy. BELL undertakes to
respect the timing criteria set out on the website:
Submission address: All articles should be submitted to the Managing
Editor in both electronic form (RTF) and as hard copy.
Dr K.P. Carlon
Managing Editor BELL
Institut des Langues Vivantes
Université catholique de Louvain
Traverse d'Esope 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: 32 010/47.92.61
Fax: 32 010/47.43.66

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 31 2004 - 15:34:07 EST
