CFP: Seventh Portsmouth Translation Conference: Translation as Negotiation (UK) (6/30/07; 11/10/07)

full name / name of organization: 

Seventh Portsmouth Translation Conference
  Conference Theme: Translation As Negotiation
  Date: 10 November 2007
  As translators and interpreters we engage in a range of negotiatory activities. We negotiate the frontiers and interfaces between languages and cultures; we negotiate translation issues and problems as we meet them; we negotiate rates, deadlines and briefs with clients. We also engage with the range of expectations and demands made of translators in our diverse cultures and working environments.
  The negotiations which surround translation have everything to do with power. In the past, translators and interpreters in professional life and in the public imagination have been confined to set roles: the underpaid hack, the 'post-horse of civilisation', the conduit or transparent window on another language, the talking dictionary. This situation has changed substantially, both in relation to the increased professionalisation of translation and interpreting and in relation to their cultural visibility. New theoretical vistas have been opened up for the engagement of translators and interpreters as political, cultural and creative agents. Nevertheless, much progress remains to be made in relation to profile, status, remuneration, working conditions and in some countries and situations, even personal safety.
  The organisers of the seventh Portsmouth Translation Conference invite contributions from translation and interpreting professionals, scholars and students on any topic relating to this year's theme. Such topics might include, but are by no means limited to:
  New roles for translators
  Interpreting and agency
  Translation, censorship and control
  Translators, authors, publishers
  Translators and their clients
  Translators and self-determination
  Rates, contracts and conditions
  Audiovisual Translation Studies: negotiating constraint
  We welcome a broad range of approaches to translation, including presentations with an empirical, critical, analytic, pedagogical, technological or professional focus.
  Enquiries and/or abstracts of 300 words should be sent to Carol O'Sullivan at by 30 June 2007. The conference website can be found at
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Received on Wed May 02 2007 - 14:54:49 EDT