Transpacific Prospects (9/20/11; C19: Society of 19C Americanists, Berkeley, CA, 4/12-15/2012)

full name / name of organization: 
Brian Yothers
contact email: 

Transpacific Prospects: Americans in Asia/Asians in America in Nineteenth-Century Literary Studies

If transatlanticism has been a staple of recent nineteenth-century American literary scholarship, the cultural and material traffic across the Pacific has continued to occupy a space on the margins of nineteenth-century literary and cultural studies. It is hard to imagine, however, a field richer in prospects for future study than the nineteenth-century encounter between the Americas and East, Southeast, South, Central, and West Asia. Proposals are solicited for a panel on the nineteenth-century exchange between Asia and the Americas. Emphases could include travel, tourism, immigration, diplomacy, empire, missionary narratives, inter-religious exchange and dialogue, trade, the role of Polynesia as a Pacific crossroads, education, literary influence, and visual representation. Please submit 250 word proposals and brief CVs with contact information by September 20, 2011 to Brian Yothers at and Liam Corley at