4th International Conference on Comics and Medicine

full name / name of organization: 
Graphic Medicine

4th International Conference on Comics and Medicine
Ethics Under Cover: Comics, Medicine and Society
5th - 7th July 2013, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK

This interdisciplinary conference intends to appeal to a wide audience, including healthcare professionals, comics creators, students, academic scholars, comics enthusiasts, and various stakeholder groups. The meeting will consist of a mix of peer reviewed academic papers, lectures, and workshops. There will also be an exhibition and stalls for participants' work.
We invite proposals for scholarly papers (15-20 minutes) or panel discussions (60 minutes) focusing on medicine and comics in any form (e.g. graphic novels, comic strips, graphic pathographies, bande dessinees, manga, and/or web comics. The theme of this year's conference means we are interested in work with an ethical flavor. For further information see http://www.graphicmedicine.org.

300 word proposals should be submitted online by Friday 22nd February 2013 to http://www.submissions@graphicmedicine.org.