NOTE Journal: Notes on Teaching English

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NOTE: Notes on Teaching English
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Notes on Teaching English (NOTE) - New online journal of the Georgia and Carolinas affiliate of the College English Association (GACCEA)

* url:

* Submission deadline: rolling submissions

After a long hiatus, Notes on Teaching English (NOTE), the journal of Georgia and Carolinas affiliate of the College English Association, has returned as an online peer-reviewed publication hosted by Georgia Gwinnett College at NOTE offers pedagogically directed scholarship on all topics relevant to teaching college-level English, in a fresh multimodal format. We invite you to participate in shaping this exciting publication by contributing your scholarship, teaching tips, assignments, and opinion pieces. We welcome submissions for possible publication in this journal—both scholarly and reflective.

We are looking for four types of contributions:

* Feature – Scholarly articles related to a wide variety of topics within the English discipline, with a pedagogical focus (up to 6,000 words) – We welcome articles on many subjects, but, in keeping with the journal's pedagogical focus, we ask you to devote some space in the introduction and second half of the article to pedagogical applications of your scholarship. We also welcome articles that are specifically pedagogical or within the scholarship of teaching and learning. Submissions can include assignment sheets and other related pedagogical materials.

* Opinion – Shorter reflective or opinion pieces (500 word maximum) – These short articles should take a position on some issue related to the teaching of English in the college classroom, written in a persuasive or reflective mode. Submissions in this form should reflect the complexity of conversations about tension, risk, anxiety, hope, and social action we currently find in our Discipline.

* Classroom Tips – Short how-to pieces (500-1,000 words) – These short articles should discuss some focused aspect of pedagogy—the use of a new technology, for example, or a new course design, or a specific assignment or assignment sequence. The goal is to be practical and focused. These pieces should be written for the instructor who is pressed for time and looking for great instructional ideas.

* Assignments/instructional materials – Peer-reviewed assignment database – We are building a database of peer-reviewed assignments and teaching materials for college-level English instructors. Submit your assignment (one at a time please) with a two- to three-paragraph description of the context.

Please follow these submission guidelines:

* Deadline for submissions: Rolling submissions.

* Send submissions and inquiries to

* Follow MLA format.

* Submit all written content as attached editable files (Word preferred, no .pdf).

* Submit a short bio (about 100 words) and a CV with your submission.