CFP: Fabricated Heroes and Homefronts (3/15/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Elizabeth Abele
contact email: 

Fabricated Heroes and Homefronts: Considerations of Technology, Gender and
Myth in Literature and Culture

Edited by Lisa DeTora and Elizabeth Abele

The warmth of the hearth lies at the center of a cultural mythos that
informs most views of technology, violence, and adventure. From military
might designed to protect the home front to comic book heroes making the
world safe for humanity, those charged with the development and use of
advanced technologies are enmeshed in a domestic ethos that serves as the
foundation and motivation for heroic (and villainous) actions. Ironically,
the domestic sphere in these cultural forms is mutable, impacted and
transformed in the face of the technologies that were designed to preserve
it in the first place. We seek essays that consider these circumstances,
and more particularly the relationships between technology and violence and
between action/adventure and home in all genres. Treatments of popular
culture and visual media are especially welcome.

This collection of essays will explore topics interest including but not
limited to:
Technology and gender
Comic book heroes and the domestic
Violence, technology, and home in children's literature
Heroic violence inside the home
Representations of violence to retaliate against violators of the home or
The (in)compatbility of home life and action heroism
Domesticating or failing to domesticate the action hero
Military violence and home fronts
Depictions of domestic violence

Please send proposals by March 15th to and Authors will be notified by April 1, with full papers of
5,000-7,000 words expected by June 30th.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jan 30 2006 - 17:46:32 EST