CFP: [Gender Studies] 9th Annual Craft Critique Culture Conference

full name / name of organization: 
Raquel Baker
contact email: 

9th Annual Craft Critique Culture Conference
April 3-5, 2009

Love, Loss and Empire
University of Iowa

CRAFT CRITIQUE CULTURE is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on the
intersections among critical and creative approaches to writing both
within and beyond the academy. This year’s conference will examine the
imbrication of affect and empire and will explore the ways in which
affect blurs the lines between presence, absence, past, present, future,
coloniality, postcoloniality and other liminal or ephemeral textual and
identity positions within the increasingly globalized experience of our
present moment.

How can emotional states foster critical theory, whether it be social-
scientific, cultural, literary, technological, popular, communication,
queer, postcolonial, new media, transnational, diasporic, neo-Marxist,
feminist or other modes of theory? How does theory further our sense of
liberation, affiliation and identity?

We invite the submission of critical, theoretical and original creative
work in a variety of media and across the humanities, sciences and legal
disciplines. In the past, submissions have included not only traditional
scholarly papers but also film, video, music, writing, visual art and
artists’ books.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Friendship, Hostipitality, Affiliation, Intimacy War & Terror Mourning,
Trauma, Wound Culture, Commemoration Hauntology, Absence, Nostalgia,
Colonial History, Globalization, Transnationalism, Multitude, Biopolitics
& Necropolitics, Immateriality, Control Societies, Network Culture, End
of . . . Empire, History Resistance, Counterpublics, Affect and Affective
Histories, Bodily Genres, Melodrama & Romance, Local/Global, Queer
Places, Spaces and Geographies, Filiacsâ€"Reception Cultural Practices

Please submit paper abstracts of no more than 350 words â€" creative
presentations also accepted.

Full panels (featuring three papers) may also be proposed. Each panel
proposal should consist of three paper abstracts and a brief explanation
of the panel’s purpose and relevance to the conference. Each panel
submission not to total more than 1,000 words.

Please include name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), street
address, telephone number, and email address on all abstracts and

Please submit all paper abstracts or panel proposals to Nilo Couret at
E210 Adler Journalism Building, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
52242 or by email at

Submission deadline is January 23, 2009. Visit the website at for more information and scheduling updates.

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Received on Mon Oct 27 2008 - 17:42:42 EST