UPDATE: [American] Extended deadline: SSAWW Conference (2/28/09)

full name / name of organization: 
Donna Campbell
contact email: 


The SSAWW Conference deadline has been extended to February 28 at 5 p.m.
for the SSAWW Conference.

Fourth Conference of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers
October 21-24, 2009

Sheraton Society Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

We invite submissions of proposals for panels, roundtables, workshops, or
individual papers. We welcome sessions on U.S. women authors and themes
from the seventeenth through the twenty-first century; sessions and papers
that compare U.S. women writers to writers of other nations are also
welcome. The deadline for proposals is February 28, 2009 at 5 p.m. .

All conference participants must be members of SSAWW. Each member’s name
can appear in the program twice â€" once as a presenter and once in some
other capacity (chair, commentator, roundtable participant, etc.).

Proposals for entire sessions should include: (1) a paragraph describing
the session as a whole; (2) a one-page abstract of each paper; (3) a one-
page cv for each participant. The conference prefers four presenters per
session, excluding the chair, although submissions for panels of three
presenters will be considered.

Proposals for individual papers should include a one-page abstract and a
one-page c.v.

Affiliated societies and organizations have one panel automatically
included in the conference program. Affiliates’ contact persons should
send panel titles with a list of participants, panel format, and
presentation titles (if applicable).

Proposals should specify if audio/visual equipment is needed. However, due
to the high cost, we ask that presenters request equipment only if it is

All submissions should be sent electronically by the February 28, 2009 at
5 p.m deadline to Carolyn Sorisio (csorisio_at_wcupa.edu). Please send
proposals as Microsoft Word attachments. If that is not possible, then
paste the information into an email.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Mon Jan 26 2009 - 18:05:50 EST
