Call for Papers: The Second National Conference on African/Black Psychology

full name / name of organization: 
DeReef Jamison, Savannah State University

Call for Papers:

The Second National Conference on
African/Black Psychology
Florida A & M University
October 14-15, 2011

The Second National Conference on African/Black Psychology is dedicated to the life's work of Amos Wilson. Amos Wilson was a scholar/activist who heeded the call of Bolekaja, which means to come on down and fight. Given his unwavering commitment and dedication to a psychology of liberation for African people, Wilson centered his focus on psycho-historical and social analysis that sought to not only interpret and understand Africana realities under Western oppression, but to ultimately change them. Thus, in the spirit of Amos Wilson, we solicit papers that attempt to challenge scholars to continue the task of offering models of psychological functioning that demonstrate how the acquiring of cultural consciousness translates into practical solutions that impact the social, economic and political conditions confronting people of African descent. We seek papers on topics that include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Sociological, psychological, historical, educational, literary, political or economic analyses, critiques, and/or applications of the following works of Dr. Amos Wilson:

o The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness: Eurocentric History, Psychiatry and the Politics of White Supremacy
o Awakening the Natural Genius of Black Children
o Black-on-Black Violence: The Psychodynamics of Black Self-Annihilation in Service of White Domination
o Understanding Black Male Adolescent Violence
o Blueprint for Black Power: A Moral, Political and Economic Imperative for the Twenty-First Century
o African-centered Consciousness versus the New World Order: Garveyism in the age Globalism

The selection criteria will involve: relevance to theme, clarity of paper, intellectual significance, and originality. Participants must send a 50 word abstract by August 15, 2011 along with a 2-3 page synopsis of your paper. DO NOT include your name on the synopsis; only the title. If accepted, the final paper should be submitted by September 16, 2011 (the paper and abstract must include participant name, affiliation, paper title, and e-mail address). Notification of acceptance will be provided by August 30, 2011. Presenters whose papers are accepted must submit a vitae and an outline of your presentation identifying your learning objectives.

Contact: DeReef F. Jamison; Email: